Body and the Archive in the 19th Century
Unknown photographer, Birmingham Prisoners
The daguerreotype of Edgar Allan Poe vs. daguerreotype portrait in its case
Unknown photographer, Wandsworth Prison Records
Dr. Hugh Welch Diamond, Inmates of Surrey County Asylum ( ) 因酗酒與沮喪而瘋癲的女人
Dr. Hugh Welch Diamond, Inmates of Surrey County Asylum (1852) 強加 Ophelia 的服飾、道具、姿態、表情在她身上
Dr. Hugh Welch Diamond, Inmates of Surrey County Asylum (1852) vs. Nadar, Sarah Bernhardt (1865)
Dr. Hugh Welch Diamond, Inmates of Surrey County Asylum ( )
Dr. Hugh Welch Diamond, Inmates of Surrey County Asylum (1852)
Dr. Hugh Welch Diamond, Inmates of Surrey County Asylum ( ) 石版畫。「產後躁症」 ( puerperal mania ) 的恢復過程四階段,以不整 齊的頭髮再現瘋癲,以合宜的女性裝扮再現恢復理智
Dr. Hugh Welch Diamond, Inmates of Surrey County Asylum (1852)
Thomas Barnes and Roderick Johnstone, Personal History of a Child at Dr. Barnardo’s Home (1871)
Unknown photographer, Before and after Photographs of a Young Boy (1895)
Eadweard Muybridge, Galloping Horse (1878)
Theodore Gericault, Epsom (1820)
Eadweard Muybridge, Head-spring, a Flying Pigeon Interfering (1885)
John Thomson, The Crawlers from Street Life in London ( )
Thomas Annan, Close No 11 Bridgegate from Photographs of Old Closes, Streets, etc. (1867)
Thomas Annan, Photographs of Old Closes, Streets, etc. (1867)
William Henry Fox Talbot, The Open Door (1843)
Lewis W. Hine, Ten-Year-Old Spinner, North Carolina Cotton Mill ( )