The Enchanting, Enticing, Exotic… Parts of Speech Presented by the Talented, Thrilling, Terrific… Carrie and Joy
The 8 Parts of Speech are… Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Interjection Conjunction Preposition Pronoun
A PERSON PLACE OR THING This is one cool carrot !
SHOW ACTION OR STATE OF BEING Boy oh boy! Look at those bananas bounce!
DESCRIBES NOUNS OR PRONOUNS Those are pretty flowers!
Describes verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs Look closely at those lobsterific lovers!
EXPRESSES STRONG OR MILD EMOTIONS Oh yah! That cat sure likes its food!
JOINS PARTS OF A SENTENCE I sure like those blue, purple, yellow and white flowers!
SHOW TIME AND SPACE RELATIONSHIPS She threw the phone into the guitar!
REPLACE NOUNS TO AVOID REPETION That duck sure is cute, isn’t he?
Question #1 Which politician received more votes? NOUN
Question #2 The usher closed the door. VERB
Question #3 Have you heard the good news? Adjective
Question #4 Farmers had very poor crops this year. Adverb
Question #5 OH! I didn’t know that! Interjection
Question #6 Teresa read and signed the contract. conjunction
Question #7 The cat knocked a vase off the shelf. Preposition
Question #8 Everyone met at the field house. Pronoun