Achieving the Lisbon goals; the contribution of VET Anneke Westerhuis 8 September 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

Achieving the Lisbon goals; the contribution of VET Anneke Westerhuis 8 September 2005

for Europe’s economic and social agenda VET is an instrument -Europe’s aim is to become a global player -Europe’s education strategy

The contribution of VET increasing participation in education raising education levels creating smooth transitions into the labour market facilitating lifelong employability

Two topics How is VET doing? The Challenges for VET

How is VET doing (1)? How is CVET doing ?

Participation in Education and Training 25 – 64

Participation in continuing training by age 14% of year olds participate in E&T 8% of year olds participate in E&T 4% of year olds participate in E&T

How to raise participation in Lifelong Learning? Europe’s answer: to stimulate investment in learning and certification The need for innovative answers

How is VET doing (2)? In % of the years olds completed upper secondary education The 2010 benchmark is 85%

25-34 year olds graduated at ISCED levels 5 and 6 (in %)

How to raise participation in VET? A raise in participation does not come automatically Seven strategies to raise the attractiveness of VET, as an alternative to general education and as an alternative to early school leaving: * occupational oriented programmes in higher education * higher education is accessible for students with a VET qualification * pedagogical reform * diversification of routes and programmes * guidance and counselling systems * integration of vocational subjects in general programmes and vice versa * information and promotion campaigns

The challenges for VET are enormous: reconstruction of the labour market marginalisation of the lower educated demographic changes higher (private) investments in learning the risk of increasing inequality

similarities between the organisation of work and the organisation of learning The artisan concept Mass production and mass education Learning in the knowledge economy

New concepts of knowledge for VET New concepts for learning environments The organisation of learning as a negotiation process the active role of the learner

Dynamic interactions between VET’s four supporting actors: VET institutes The stateTrade unions The industry

Conclusions 1) new contract relations, new governance concepts, focus on output assessment, deregulation, 2) new organisation concepts, new professional roles, working conditions 3) arrangements for lifelong learning and the role of VET 4) VET’s role in economic growth is challenged by the developments in the economic infrastructure

Anneke westerhuis Pettelaarpark BP ‘s-Hertogenbosch Postbus