leaves plant stem roots JIR-A plant has parts@jybooks.com
stem leaves roots plant [leef] noun, plural leaves The flat green part of plant that is joined at one end of the stem is a leaf. roots [root] noun, plural roots The parts of the plant that grow downward into the soil are roots. plant [plant] noun, plural plants Grass, trees, flowers are plants. [stem] noun, plural stems The long thin stalk of a plant is a stem. stem JIR-A plant has parts@jybooks.com
leaves roots stem plant Vocabulary Test A plant has parts. Match and draw a line. Write the word in the box. * plant * stem * leaves * roots * Vowels are in the blue box. Fill the blanks with the word in the word box. A has part. 2. This has little . 3. This plant has a green . 4. This plant has big . leaves roots stem plant Write the word in alphabetical order. leaves roots stem plant JIR-A plant has parts@jybooks.com
root stem leaves A plant has parts. Color this plant. First Writing A plant has parts. Color this plant. Cut and glue the name of the parts. root stem leaves JIR-A plant has parts@jybooks.com
A plant has parts. Before Writing Trace the word. JIR-A plant has parts@jybooks.com
A Plant Has Parts by We will see leaves . A plant has leaves . JIR-A plant has parts@jybooks.com
JIR-A plant has parts@jybooks.com