Writing an Introduction and a Conclusion: Essentials: ◊Author ◊Title ◊Genre ◊Thesis Essentials: ◊Author ◊Title ◊Genre ◊Thesis
Three Types of Intro: ◊C Level- Restate the question ◊B Level- Restate, Reword ◊A Level- Restate, Reword and make a connection ◊C Level- Restate the question ◊B Level- Restate, Reword ◊A Level- Restate, Reword and make a connection
The Question: ◊Discuss how the main character in your summer reading novel has developed through his/her struggles.
Now… ◊Make a connection to Life or Literature. ◊Restate the question or purpose ◊Thesis statement ◊Hint at the body paragraphs ◊Make a connection to Life or Literature. ◊Restate the question or purpose ◊Thesis statement ◊Hint at the body paragraphs
General Specific Introduction
C Level In the book “The Three Little Pigs,” by Mother Goose, the third pig develops by watching the failures of his brothers. C Level In the book “The Three Little Pigs,” by Mother Goose, the third pig develops by watching the failures of his brothers.
B Level ◊Throughout the course of the story, “The Three Little Pigs” by Mother Goose the third brother, the brick-laying pig, learned both through the struggles and the mistakes of his less intelligent brothers.
A Level ◊In life, we often learn from the mistakes that are made by other people around us. The same things hold true for literature. In the story, “The Three Little Pigs” by Mother Goose the third brother, the brick-laying pig, learned both through the struggles and the mistakes of his less intelligent brothers.
Conclusions: ◊In your conclusion, you are going to try to do the same thing in reverse order. ◊Except, you should… Continue to reword your ideas from your introduction Continue to make connections ◊In your conclusion, you are going to try to do the same thing in reverse order. ◊Except, you should… Continue to reword your ideas from your introduction Continue to make connections
Specific General Conclusion
U/D Level ◊You just read an essay about, “The Three Little Pigs.” It was about learning from your mistakes
C Level ◊In the book “The Three Little Pigs,” by Mother Goose, the third pig develops by watching the failures of his brothers.
B Level ◊The third, more intelligent, pig in, “The Three Little Pigs” learned from his brothers’ mistakes and, as a result, survived the wolf’s attacks.
A Level ◊The third, more intelligent, pig in, “The Three Little Pigs” learned from his brothers’ mistakes and, as a result, survived the wolf’s attacks. It is important to be observant of your environment and to make sure you don’t repeat others’ mistakes.