The Call of Moses Exodus 3:2-6 What gets Moses’ attention? What is his reaction to it?
The Call of Moses The Burning Bush is an example of a Theophany __________________ Theo = __________ Phania = To Appear How does Moses respond?
The Call of Moses Moses’ First Response: ______________________ (Ex. 3:3) Then… Moses’ Next Response: ______________________ (Ex. 3:6)
The Call of Moses Exodus 3:13-15 What is God’s name? __________ Why is it significant that God told Moses? ___________________________________
The Call of Moses Tetragrammaton _________________ Tetra = ________ Gramma = Letter Naming gives you control Who named the animals? Why did Jacob want God’s name?
The Call of Moses Exodus 4:10-13 Is this a job Moses wants?
The Call of Moses Moses refuses the call _____ TIMES!!! God reassures Moses (Ex. 4:12) and even Yells at him (Ex. 4:14) What’s the job God has for Moses? Why do you suppose Moses does not want the job? Would you want it?
God of the Exodus God as LIBERATOR This image is central to the Jewish Faith Christians interpret the Exodus to mean that God has a “preferential option for the poor” God’s special concern and our special responsibility to care for those in need