Leadership Lessons From Moses’ Five Excuses Challenges in accepting God’s call to Ministry
Introduction Being called is an Individual business with God The caller is God: Samuel The called is the one God chooses, God calls: Prophets such as Isaiah, Jeremiah… God qualifies: Apostles God sanctifies – Joshua God sustains and supports: Moses, Joshua, kings God forgives: David God helps succeed: Moses God rewards: Moses
The Essence of a call to the Ministry To go for God To go for battle To go into leadership role – Moses, David, Peter: feed my people Other disciples Saul of Tarsus Today’s missionaries Ministers of the Gospel
Some call themselves Judas Iscariot The don’t-forget-me syndrome “I can also do it” spirit “I am better than him” spirit Over-ambition Taking things lightly, without counting the cost of responding to a call for mission.
Some are called by human beings Tribalism, regionalism, nationalism during elections Cliques among age mates, schoolmates, and friends Nepotism
Some are called by their own interests Thirst for power Just looking for a lucrative activity A passage for better things to come A place to exercise some skills A hiding, a secure place An opportunity to get trained
Moses’ Five Excuses( See J.C Maxwell ) Joseph is sold There is famine on earth Joseph is raised up by God Jacob and the children go to Egypt Jacob dies, and Joseph dies as well Slavery begins and Moses is born Moses identifies with his people; he is forced to flee to Median Moses is called by God for mission
Excuse # 1: Who Am I? Ex. 3: 11: Moses struggles with his identity He didn’t feel qualified I am a coward who fled Egypt, hiding and fearing for my life I am a wrong person, a wrong leader. God’s response ( Ex.3:12) It does not matter who and what you are., I am with you
Excuse # 2: Who are You? Ex 3:13 : I don’t even know you You are not a friend, a relative- lack of intimacy I don’t know how genuine is your agenda I have just met you and don’t know you enough I cannot describe you to the people you are sending me to. God’s response ( Ex.3:14) I am everything you need, I will always be there for you because I am Eternal, omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.
Excuse # 3: What if they don’t listen? I am intimidated by the expectation of the people Will I be able to energize them and really them to your cause? People are what they are. What if that refuse to follow me? Can you give me a sign to assure me I can do it? God’s response ( Ex.2-9). Here are the signs, I will be with you. It will not be by your power, my supernatural power will operate through you. They will finally be amazed and they will listen.
Excuse # 4: I have never been a good communicator I am inadequate I am not a good speaker This will never change; it is natural because I am born like this. A good leader must be able to communicate, it is not the case with me. Who will listen to me, I am not eloquent. God’s response (Ex.11, 12) I am your maker, I can change any inability into ability. I have more than a thousand solutions. That should not be your problems
Excuse # 5: Find someone else I have compared myself with others, I am inferior. Many others can do it better Even my brother is better than me You are making a mistake, this mission will be a disaster with me as a leader. I am just a quiet and humble who does not want trouble. Please leave me alone, I am happy and safe here. God’s response (Ex.4:14). I know whom I need, it is you. I still want you. I will teach you TEAMWORK spirit. You will never do it alone. You need other people with different talents than yours. Your brother will be your teammate.
Spirit of Prophecy quotations