LONGING FOR GOD Reckless (adj) – marked by a lack of thought about danger or other possible undesirable consequences. Reckless (adj) – marked by a lack of thought about danger or other possible undesirable consequences. Abandon (noun) – complete lack of inhibition or self-restraint Abandon (noun) – complete lack of inhibition or self-restraint In the context of our spiritual lives, it is the ultimate form of living by faith no matter the consequences. One might call it “Extreme Faith.” In the context of our spiritual lives, it is the ultimate form of living by faith no matter the consequences. One might call it “Extreme Faith.”
Exodus 33:12-23 (NIV) 12 Moses said to the LORD, "You have been telling me, 'Lead these people,' but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. Exodus 33:12-23 (NIV) 12 Moses said to the LORD, "You have been telling me, 'Lead these people,' but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. 15 Then Moses said to him, "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. 15 Then Moses said to him, "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. 18 Then Moses said, "Now show me your glory." 18 Then Moses said, "Now show me your glory."
LONGING FOR HOPE Moses intercedes for God’s People (v 12-14) Moses intercedes for God’s People (v 12-14) Moses calls on God’s mercy and grace (favor) v Moses calls on God’s mercy and grace (favor) v Moses reminds God of the relationship He has with His people (v. 14) Moses reminds God of the relationship He has with His people (v. 14)
LONGING FOR GOD’S PRESENCE Moses confirms God’s presence Moses confirms God’s presence Moses reminds God of His reputation Moses reminds God of His reputation
LONGING TO SEE GOD’S GLORY Moses wanted more of God (v. 18) Moses wanted more of God (v. 18) Moses’ request is Granted (v. 19) Moses’ request is Granted (v. 19) Moses experience’s God’s glory, but not God in totality (v ) Moses experience’s God’s glory, but not God in totality (v )
OUR LONGINGS Our longing to SEE God is accomplished by coming to know Him and His ways. Our longing to SEE God is accomplished by coming to know Him and His ways. We do not get to see a manifestation of Christ, but we do get to know his character and His ways. We do not get to see a manifestation of Christ, but we do get to know his character and His ways. Are you willing to challenge God to reveal Himself more and more to you OR are you satisfied with the status quo? Are you willing to challenge God to reveal Himself more and more to you OR are you satisfied with the status quo?