T ITLE How do people use technology in transportation?
A IRPLANE Airplane has many technology.
TV SCREEN FOR PASSENGER Passenger can watch news on the TV screen.
P ILOT Pilot use computer to fly airplane.
AIRPORT Airport use technology to tell people the arrive time and departure time.
C AR Car has many technology.
GPS Global Positioning System helps people to find the way when they are driving.
D IGITAL CAR CAMERA The digital car camera can record what happened on the road.
BROADCAST You can use broadcast to listen to music or news when you are driving.
F ISHING BOAT Fishing boat has many technology.
F ISHING LIGHTS Fishman use fishing lights to catch fishes at night.
T HE NET DEVICE You push a button the net will voluntarily storage.
S OUND N AVIGATION A ND R ANGING Let Fishman quickly find where fish gather to rise a catch of fish.
C ONCLUSION Overall you can choose different transportation to go to other places.