Welcome to Earth & Physical Science (EPS) Unit 1, Day 2 (W 8/25, R 8/26) Introductions to Scientific Skills 5 (IV and DV)


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Earth & Physical Science (EPS) Unit 1, Day 2 (W 8/25, R 8/26) Introductions to Scientific Skills 5 (IV and DV)

Bell Starter (to be completed quietly) Pick up a scantron & graded (airplane lab) papers in back Pick up a scantron & graded (airplane lab) papers in back Take out a pencil & eraser Take out a pencil & eraser Take out comp book (if you have today) Take out comp book (if you have today) If completed, take out signed “Information About My Child” and “Safety Contract”—5 points each If completed, take out signed “Information About My Child” and “Safety Contract”—5 points each Remove all other items from desk. Remove all other items from desk.

Today’s Agenda Introduction to Scientific Skills EPS Pre-test/ EPS Safety contract EPS Pre-test/ EPS Safety contract Review Airplane Exploration Review Airplane Exploration Set up EPS Composition Notebook Set up EPS Composition Notebook Scientific Method: Independent and Dependent Variables, Control (Notes) Scientific Method: Independent and Dependent Variables, Control (Notes) Practice: “Independent/Dependent Variables” Worksheet WB (in class practice) Practice: “Independent/Dependent Variables” Worksheet WB (in class practice) Introduce HAUS Introduce HAUS “Find Someone Who” Activity (as time allows) “Find Someone Who” Activity (as time allows)

EPS Pretest and Personal Learning Goals EPS Pre-test (Score will be recorded in grade book) EPS Pre-test (Score will be recorded in grade book) Personal Learning Goals (lined paper): 5 Points Personal Learning Goals (lined paper): 5 Points “Its your learning”…What personal learning goals (2-3) could you have? Yes, confidential if you wish. “Its your learning”…What personal learning goals (2-3) could you have? Yes, confidential if you wish. Goals: concrete, measurable, concise, & clear Goals: concrete, measurable, concise, & clear Write an academic, organized response (1/2 to 1 page) explaining why these are your goals and how I can help you achieve them, will be graded and recorded. Write an academic, organized response (1/2 to 1 page) explaining why these are your goals and how I can help you achieve them, will be graded and recorded.

What’s Due Next Time? Parent & student completion of “Information About My Child” sheet (blue handout)-5 points Parent & student completion of “Information About My Child” sheet (blue handout)-5 points Parent & student completion of Safety Contract-5 points Parent & student completion of Safety Contract-5 points Buy comp book Buy comp book 15/10 pts by today (W8/25, R8/26) 15/10 pts by today (W8/25, R8/26) 10/10 pts before class, completed to date (F 8/27, M8/30) 10/10 pts before class, completed to date (F 8/27, M8/30) “Controls and Variables – Part 1” “Controls and Variables – Part 1” With completed HAUS With completed HAUS Organize 3-ring binder Organize 3-ring binder

Review: Scientific Method Airplane Activity 1. Observing: Describe and draw the changes you made, and the differences in flight before you changed the wings and after. 2. Predicting: If you made a greater fold in the wing, would it fly differently? Explain in detail why or why not. 3. Conclusions: Can you change the design without a corresponding change in flight? Explain in detail why or why not?

Review: Scientific Method Airplane Activity 1. The airplane flies differently after the wing is changed. 2. Yes, Any change in the design changes the way the airplane flies. 3. No. You cannot make a significant change in design without causing a corresponding change in the outcome. For every change in input, there will be a corresponding change in output.

Set up EPS Composition Book Directions provided on “Composition Notebook Guidelines, EPS” Directions provided on “Composition Notebook Guidelines, EPS” Page 1: EPS, Name, Period Page 1: EPS, Name, Period Add pages: Add pages: Table of Contents (left, pg 2) Table of Contents (left, pg 2) Unit1 Title Page (right, pg 3) Unit1 Title Page (right, pg 3) CB Notebook Guidelines (left, pg 4) CB Notebook Guidelines (left, pg 4) Unit 1 Objectives (right, pg 5) Unit 1 Objectives (right, pg 5) EPS Safety contract (left, pg 6) EPS Safety contract (left, pg 6) Scientific Method (right, pg 7) Scientific Method (right, pg 7)

SO 1: IN (left side, top half) Using your background knowledge: Write one sentence defining an independent variable. Write one sentence defining a dependent variable. Write one sentence describing or illustrating the proper placement of the dependent variable and the independent variable on a graph.

SO 1: Scientific Method IV and DV (right page-through) Skill Objective (SO) #1: Using the Scientific Method, understand a simple experimental design (distinguishing between the independent variable and the dependent variable). Skill Objective (SO) #1: Using the Scientific Method, understand a simple experimental design (distinguishing between the independent variable and the dependent variable). Independent variable: the variable being manipulated or changed Independent variable: the variable being manipulated or changed Dependent variable: the observed result of the independent variable Dependent variable: the observed result of the independent variable

SO 1: Scientific Method IV and DV Example: Volume of gas produced by a reaction. Our example experiment has two variables, time and volume. Example: Volume of gas produced by a reaction. Our example experiment has two variables, time and volume. Time (x-axis) is the independent variable because you chose the time intervals to take measurements. Time (x-axis) is the independent variable because you chose the time intervals to take measurements. Volume (y-axis) of gas is the dependent variable because its value depends on what happens in the experiment and the times measurements are taken. Volume (y-axis) of gas is the dependent variable because its value depends on what happens in the experiment and the times measurements are taken.

SO 1: Scientific Method IV and DV Control: variables that are kept constant to prevent their influence on the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. Control: variables that are kept constant to prevent their influence on the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. Only one variable can be changed in an experiment, or the results of the experiment won’t be valid. Only one variable can be changed in an experiment, or the results of the experiment won’t be valid.

Practice “Independent/Dependent Variables” Worksheet (class discussion) (WB3) “Independent/Dependent Variables” Worksheet (class discussion) (WB3) “Identify the Controls and Variables” (table partners, complete on lined paper) (WB4) “Identify the Controls and Variables” (table partners, complete on lined paper) (WB4) “Controls and Variables – Part 1” (homework/HAUS) (WB5-6) “Controls and Variables – Part 1” (homework/HAUS) (WB5-6) Required: IV & DV Required: IV & DV Optional: Control & Conclusion Optional: Control & Conclusion

Activity: Find Someone Who… Find someone, other than yourself, to fulfill each statement. Find someone, other than yourself, to fulfill each statement. Your goal is to fill this sheet using each class member’s name only once. Your goal is to fill this sheet using each class member’s name only once. Keep walking around, no more than two students together at once. Keep walking around, no more than two students together at once. First one to accurately complete the sheet, WINS! First one to accurately complete the sheet, WINS!

Again…What’s Due Next Time? Parent & student completion of “Information About My Child” sheet (blue handout) Parent & student completion of “Information About My Child” sheet (blue handout) Parent & student completion of Safety Contract Parent & student completion of Safety Contract Buy comp book Buy comp book 10/10 pts completed at start of next block (F8/27, M8/30) 10/10 pts completed at start of next block (F8/27, M8/30) 5/10 pts by block after, late (T8/31, W9/1 and after) 5/10 pts by block after, late (T8/31, W9/1 and after) “Controls and Variables – Part 1” “Controls and Variables – Part 1” Organize 3-ring binder Organize 3-ring binder HAUS sheet for assignment HAUS sheet for assignment

SO1: OUT (left side, bottom) Create a Venn Diagram distinguishing the similarities and differences of independent and dependent variables Minimum of three bullets for each circle and center (total of 9 bullets) Correct statements in your IN