Visions March 1, nd Sunday of Lent Homework: Read “Walking with the People” p answer the TALK question on page 3
Cover What is the cover illustrating? Bottom Middle Do the fold as illustrated Jerusalem Sea of Galilee Jesus Transfiguration
Gospel p. 4 Mark 9: Parts: Narrator, Peter, Voice, Jesus 2/27 4 th & 5 th Periods Discuss Talk questions #2 Moses – Ten commandments, always having to call the Israelites back to God Elijah – know for his great faith and zealous loyalty to God, he was persecuted for what he stood for Transfiguration – Peter, James and Joh see Jesus the way he will be after his resurrection, his divinity shows through his humanity Read the footnotes Gospel Message: Jesus is the Son of God Glory that Jesus had and will have again His glory will overcome death That same glory awaits us
“God’s Promise Transfigures Abraham’s Future” p. 5 Read page 5 3 readers Genesis 22: 1) 1-2 2) ) God’s promise to Abraham: descendants as numerous as stars Message: God does not want human sacrifice, he wants faith like Abraham From one long-awaited son God’s vision of the future would come to be
Sister Stories p. 8 National Catholic Sisters Week – March 8-14, a year to celebrate consecrated life Consecrated / dedicates lives to God and to continuing Jesus’ mission in the world watch the video on slavery read Mater Pieta