Howard community college Accounting and finance club Monday, Feb. 9 th, 2015
Welcome to New Members! Welcome to Howard Community College Accounting and Finance Club Spring 2015 semester!
Advisors and Officers Advisors: Michelle Sotka, Chris Spendly Officers: President: Dongjoon Kim Vice- President: Aleksander Petrov Treasurer: Minjin Choi Social Media Coordinator: Elisa Trojillo
Purpose of Club Broaden our perspectives of business and find a relationship between each field of business, especially for Accounting and Finance Have fun with others!
Objectives for 2015 Spring Semester Experience trading stocks through virtual stock market simulation game which is based on real world Participate for volunteer opportunities Group Project in smaller group
Club Funding Requirements Hold an evening coffee and tea Volunteer for at least 2 hours at the Blood Drive Volunteer at least one SGA sponsored event beyond the Blood Drive Attend all SGA assembly meetings
Stock Market Simulator The purpose of using Virtual Stock Exchange is to give you a better understanding of trading strategies and portfolio management. You will also learn a variety of financial instruments and their risks and rewards as they apply to asset management.
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax help to people who generally make $53,000 or less, persons with disabilities, the elderly and limited English speaking taxpayers who need assistance in preparing their own tax returns. IRS-certified volunteers provide free basic income tax return preparation with electronic filing to qualified individuals.
Members’ opinions about what we can do during our meeting Focus on Accounting and Finance -Accounting? Finance? Economics? Sharing 4-year university Transfer Information Career path, majors? Resume: educational background, extracurricular activities, GPA? Connection? Start a business? Future Entrepreneurs!
Meeting schedule Next meeting: Feb. 23 rd, 2015