Exploiting cooperation/synergy and linkages among ESPON tools Technical meeting May 2013 ESPON ETMS European Territorial Monitoring System Oriol Biosca – Ondrej Nalevka – Erik Gloersen – Roger Milego
Partners involved in the ETMS MCRIT, Barcelona UAB. Autonomous University of Barcelona UNIGE. University of Geneva Nordregio, Stockholm GISAT, Prague
Development of ETMS from Dec until Sept KoM, December Inception Report, January Interim Report. June 2013 Conceptualisation of the System Choice of topics and indicators to be monitored 3.Intermediate Deliveries. November 2013 Initial Design of the System (online platform + products) 4.Draft Final Report, June Final Report, September Implementation and Test of the System
AIM To provide “a continuous monitoring of territorial trends and structures able to provide policy relevant information to target groups on key trends occurring for European regions, specific type of territories, metropolitan regions, cities and towns in relation to the policy aims and priorities of the Europe 2020 Strategy, EU Cohesion Policy and the TA 2020”. ETMS Project Specifications
Current Policy Debates Starting from Policy Debates with a territorial dimension e.g. population ageing, increasing disparities, rural depopulation, local and global accessibility, land occupation / artificialisation…. From Key Policy Documents (EU2020, TA, CSF…) and the analysis of past ESPON projects
ETMS Core Indicators Current Policy Debates - 20 to 40 Core Indicators -Data selection based on: indicators can be reproduced along time data is available based on previous work by INTERCO, SIESTA… envisaged resources by ESPON for maintenance - Data sources: ESPON Database, Eurostat, National Statistics (DataNavigator) EEA, OECD… ESPON models (Polimi, IOM, S&W ….) -Data resolution. Spatially distributed (NUTS0, NUTS2, NUTS3…) Regions, cities, territories, macro-regions Past and Future ESPON and Neighborhood
ETMS Core Indicators Facts&Figures Monitoring Report DataAnalysis Tool Current Policy Debates ETMS Web Portal Facts and Figures Booklet To be published every 6 months. 15 pages Systematic presentation of indicator evolutions
ETMS Core Indicators Facts&Figures Monitoring Report DataAnalysis Tool Current Policy Debates ETMS Web Portal Monitoring Report To be published every 1 or 2 years. 50 pages In-depth analysis of key developments
ETMS Core Indicators Facts&Figures Monitoring Report DataAnalysis Tool Current Policy Debates ETMS Web Portal DataAnalysis Tool
Data Analysis Tool: framework components customizable charts table component Hierarchical tree of analytical units Map components settings map component
Data Analysis Tool: Spin-offs / Follow-ups
Data Analysis Tool: Features for ETMS? Entry points selection: theme, time, spatial level.. Comparison with regional averages Comparison of different administrative levels
Data Analysis Tool: Tool highlights > ETMS user-friendly interface (ETMS requirement) integrated view (multiple spatial / non-spatial data sources, multi-temporality) interconnection of particular elements (charts, table, map interlinked) flexible for customisation comparison between different units and time periods multiple entry-points approach support hardcopy reporting as well as live collaboration
ETMS Core Indicators Facts&Figures Monitoring Report DataAnalysis Tool Current Policy Debates ETMS Web Portal
ETMS Web Portal
ETMS Core Indicators Facts&Figures Monitoring Report Mapping Tool Current Policy Debates ETMS Web Portal Territorial News Expert Opinions Reference Reports ESPON Map of the Month ESPON Seminar Reports ESPON Project Conclusions ESPON TOOLS OTHER ESPON RESOURCES
Policy context Europe faces challenges with regard to aging and depopulation in several regions including rural and peripheral ones. On growth …. Points for policy consideration The Territorial Agenda 2020 …..
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More Information Thank you for your attention Oriol Biosca – Ondrej Nalevka – Erik Gloersen – Roger Milego