Dr. Manisha Gupta Librarían, Govt. College of Art Chandigarh Motivation for Library Professionals : A Study Harpreet Kaur Lib. Asstt. UBS, PU Chandigarh Dr. Preeti Sharda Librarían, RIE Chandigarh
MANAGEMENT OF LIBRARIES Management is to utilize Men, Money and material in the most effective and efficient manner to achieve the organizational objectives. 11/21/20152
MOTIVATION It is a multidimensional abstract concept and is a continuous process which involves psychological, social, economical aspects of an individual which triggers a feeling of working zealously for achieving the organizational objectives. 11/21/20154
THEORIES OF MOTIVATION Maslow's hierarchy of needs Herzberg's motivator- hygiene theory Alderfer's ERG theory McClelland's three- needs theory Content Theory 11/21/20155
THEORIES OF MOTIVATION Adams' equity theory Vroom's expectancy theory Goal-setting theoryReinforcement theory Process Theory 11/21/20156
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory 11/21/20157
Alderfer’s ERG Theory 11/21/20158
Herzberg’s Motivator-Hygiene Theory 11/21/20159
Mc Clleland Theory of Need 11/21/201510
DRIVE THEORY 11/21/201511
Man is the most difficult to research upon All things do not mean the same to all men. Thus for the effective management of the Human resources, an effective manager has to motivate each and every employee with a different strategy most suitable to that individual. 11/21/201512
OBJECTIVES To find out the level of work motivation among the librarians working in the colleges of Chandigarh To explore the factors affecting the work motivation of the librarians 11/21/201513
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Structured questionnaire- used as data collection tool College cadre librarians (50 in number) from 23 colleges in Chandigarh - used as the sampling frame 11/21/201514
DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Work Experience of the Librarians 11/21/201515
DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Satisfaction with the Salaries to the Librarians 11/21/201516
DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION View of Librarians on Promotion Policy 11/21/201517
DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Satisfaction of the Librarians regarding the Recognition of the Work 11/21/201518
DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Availability of Motivational factors for the Librarians 11/21/201519
SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Worker participation in the decision making Training and staff development 11/21/201520
Goal Setting 11/21/201521
Equipment and infrastructural facilities 11/21/201522
Promotion policy Welfare services 11/21/201523
Taking care of individual interests Effective Communication 11/21/201524
Appreciation and Recognition Conducive Supportive Environment 11/21/201525
THANKYOU 11/21/201526