Megan Donahue Unit 5 Kaplan University
10 minutes of sharing essays ◦ Assignment from last class
Pronounced “RAY-KEE” Japanese word ◦ “spiritual energy” or “universal life-force energy” Dr. Mikao Usui ◦ Discovered this energy force ◦ Two stories Japanese story Western version
Usui Mikao August 15, 1865 Village of Taniai-mura Samurai family-’hatamoto’ ◦ A high level within the samurai ranks
Sensei Usui ◦ Born a Buddhist ◦ Studied in a Tendai Monastery as a child ◦ Age 12, studied martial arts called ‘Yagyu Ryu’ ◦ One sister, two brothers, one of them studied medicine
Hawayo Takata (student who became master) ◦ Hawaii ◦ Had a major illnesses ◦ Was healed and taught by Sensei Usui ◦ She said He was Christian, which wasn’t true because Christianity was outlawed in Japan by the time he was born Doctor President of Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan Student of University of Chicago There are no record of the last three accolades being proven true.
The story goes like this….
An oral tradition Spiritual Lineage History Precepts for daily living Form of Classes ◦ Three degrees or levels; certification required Money (exchange) Initiation ◦ Attunements Symbols ◦ Energy keys Treatment ◦ Self treatment and then others
Google a Reiki meditation Anything less than 15 minutes unless you have the time to do it longer Write a one or two page essay on your experience in trying this mediation ◦ Include something about the chakras Cover page and reference page required We will share in next class
Chiropractor Essential Oils Reiki Samples of oils to smell or use Reiki treatment for those who want to try Questions Contact:
Quest, P. (2007). The Basics of Reiki. Penguin Group (2010) Picture of Samurai, n.d. Picture of Usui, n.d.