Words Their Way and Word Study in First Grade Presented by Fox Chase First Grade Teachers
The goal is to teach our children to become word solvers The goal is to teach our children to become word solvers . . . to read for meaning and to communicate in writing. (M. Trehearne)
Why Words Their Way and Word Study? Research based practice District-wide implementation at the elementary level
What are the changes? Word Study Traditional Spelling Small group instruction Individualized lists Encourages examination of words to form generalizations about spelling through the use of patterns Encourages interest in words Cohesive approach that addresses word recognition, vocabulary, phonics and spelling Integrated into literacy program. Word study builds word knowledge that can be applied to both reading and writing. Variety of ongoing assessments Traditional Spelling Whole group instruction Set list for the whole class Emphasis on learning spelling rules. Of course, for every rule there are exceptions that threaten the rule. Reputation for being boring Encourages memorization and assignment completion designed only to ensure repeated mechanical practice Taught as a separate program Weekly Friday spelling tests
What is Word Study? Word study is an alternative to traditional spelling instruction. It is based on learning word patterns rather than memorizing unconnected words. Word study provides students with opportunities to investigate and understand the patterns in words. Knowledge of these patterns means that students needn’t learn to spell one word at a time.
What are the benefits of Word Study? Explicit, systematic word study instruction at each child’s developmental level. Learning is based on the way students naturally learn: through comparing and contrasting and discovering similarities and differences within and between categories. Build from what is known about words to what is new. Word Study is active. The students are instructed at their instructional level as determined by each child’s current spelling. Instruction is deliberately sequenced by the teacher so students will get instruction that will propel their development. Together teachers and students become word detectives, engaged in an ongoing attempt to make sense of word patterns and their relationshops to one another. Spelling “rules” are not dictated by the teacher for students to memorize. Spelling patterns and generalizations are discovered by students. which helps students internalize word features and become automatic in using what they have learned in reading and writing. During word study, words and pictures are sorted in routines that require children to examine, discriminate and make critical judgments about speech sounds, spelling patterns and meanings
How does Word Study work in the classroom? Spelling Inventory is given and groups are formed. Word sorts are used daily to encourage students to compare and contrast features in words. Engaged in hands-on activities and games using the patterns for the week. Students are assessed. To begin, students are given a spelling inventory to determine the stage of spelling development for each child and then students are grouped for instruction. In addition, students may hunt for words in their reading and writing that fit the pattern, may keep a word study notebook to record the known patterns and their new understandings, or may play games and activities to apply their word knowledge. When sorting, students use their word knowledge to separate examples that go together from those that don’t. Students are assessed on their pattern knowledge rather than their ability to memorize single words.
What does it look like in the classroom? A cycle of instruction for word study: Introduction of the spelling pattern Word Sorts in a variety of contexts Discovery of the pattern in student’s reading and writing Reinforcement activities to help students relate this pattern to previously acquired knowledge Assessment
How can parents help? Each week a word sort will be sent home for additional practice. Spend time each evening working with your child with the sort. Keep all sorts sent home for further sorting with new patterns. Ask your child open-ended questions about their sort. What do you notice? Tell me about your sort. Tell me what you were thinking about these words.
What activities can be done at home? Words Out Loud: Your child reads the words out loud as they sort. Pattern Sorts: Your child sorts the words according to spelling pattern practiced at school. Explain Out Loud: Your child tells why they sorted the words as they did. No Peeking Sort: You read the words and your child points to the spelling pattern where it belongs. Word Hunt: Find 2 or 3 words that are examples of each pattern being studied. Speed Sort: Pattern sort and your child tries to beat his/her best time. No Peeking Writing Sort: You read the words to your child and your child writes the word in the correct spelling category
How will my child learn the high frequency words? Your child will continue to work with the 103 high frequency words outlined at Curriculum Night. High frequency words often have irregular sound patterns. The expectation is that all students will read and write these words correctly. A list of 6 of these words will be covered each week through the 3rd quarter. Approximately 100 high frequency words make up 70% of all reading done in grades 1 and 2! Students must learn to recognize the high frequency words in order to read them quickly when encountered in text. Rapid recognition forms the foundation of fluent reading. Those readers who can quickly recognize the vast majority of words in texts become more proficient readers and this ability allows them to focus more readily on the meaning of the text.