Judaism, Christianity, Islam
Judaism Oldest Does not believe the Messiah has come yet Western Wall (Wailing Wall) in Jerusalem – Holiest of Jewish Sites – Believed to be a site of an old sacred temple
Western Wall
Christianity Stemmed for Judaism (2 nd oldest) Believe Jesus is the Messiah Holiest Site in Jerusalem- The Holy Sepulcher (Sacred Tomb) – Believed to be the location Jesus was crucified, buried and rose from the dead
Holy Sepulcher
Islam Youngest Religion Begin with Prophet Muhammad 5 PILLARS SHAHADA- public declaration of faith SALAT- Prayer- 5 times a day towards Mecca ZAKAT- Alms giving, give money to charity SIYAM- 30 day fasting during the month of Ramadan HAJJ- Pilgrimage to Mecca
KAABA -Holiest site located in Mecca -Quran says it was made by Abraham dedicated to God Black stone kissed by Muhammad
Mecca- Holiest City where prophet Muhammad was born Medina- City where Muhammad was buried TWO SECTS- split over Muslim Leadership – Sunni Leader should be elected – Shi’ite Leader should be Muhammad’s relative
DOME OF THE ROCK Holiest Site for Muslims in Jerusalem – Where Muhammad is said to have ascended into heaven