Child Tracking System Final Presentation Group Members: Jacob Sutton Reem Al Alshikh Zainab Alamri Samuel Wood
Problem Statement Parents become worried about their children. When children are away from their parents they may get kidnapped. Cases of missing child has been increased.
Goals and Objectives Accurate Tracking Data Send a Notification Updating Time Easy to Use Establish Safe Zone
System Architecture
System Details The child safety device will accurately monitor the position of a child and immediately alert parents if the child should become lost or leave a designated zone. The software application should have the following functions: Synchronization The user will be able to synchronize the mobile application with one or more particular tracking devices. Pattern Mining The server will establish safe zones and safe routes based on location history. Define Safe Regions The user will be able to define a safe region using the mobile application. Notification The mobile application will notify the user when the tracking device deviates from established safe zones and safe routes. Mapping The mobile device will plot tracking data on a map.
System Details Pattern Mining Find stay points Points where the child stays in one place for a time Set safe zones Use k-means to cluster stay points into safe zones where the child is commonly found Learn safe routes Use CloSpan to learn about patterns of movement between safe zones
User Interface First PageSign in or Register Page
User Interface Menu PageAdd Child Page