August 15 Today: 1)Student Questionnaire 2)Announcements Re: Community Svc. 3)AVID Binder FAQs 4)AVID Binder Shopping List 5)Everything you wanted to know about the AVID Binder 6)Homework
You will need to each go on to and fill out a volunteer form and print off and sign 2 copies. They will need to be brought with them to the training class. The referee training classes: *August 20, am - 5pm If they ask what team they are representing, it is u10g-11.
Overview: * the binder has a direct impact on YOUR success in ALL classes (not just AVID) * binder checks are the MAJORITY of your grade in AVID
3-ring: 3” binder 5-6 colored dividers with tabs (1 divider/class) 3-hole zipper pouch 2 or more PENS (blue or black) 2 or more SHARPENED pencils Paper (notebook paper or Cornell notepaper) Assignment calendar/Agenda Tutorial Logs Learning Logs/Notes Highlighters
Zipper pouch Assignment Book
Divider (with label of class including AVID) Current Cornell Notes/Learning Logs Handouts Tests Older notes/learning logs Syllabi Blank paper **newest on top, oldest towards the bottom**
Tutorials (TRFs) Notes Notebook Checks
MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Curriculum Fun Friday Tutorials
MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Curriculum Tutorials
If you don’t already, please have/know your computer log on information. Signed syllabus and contract Purchase/Gather items listed on “My AVID Shopping List”