Workplace Initiatives for a Safer Environment Aim of the Project To promote good health practices within business and improve the quality of life, enabling a healthy and safe environment through improving health and safety in the workplace. Enhance the competitiveness of business by reducing the cost implications through absenteeism and reducing downtime.
Workplace Initiatives for a Safer Environment WISE is designed to cover the following areas Smoking Musculoskeletal issues Stress Respiratory Disease Noise Induced Hearing Loss Diet Alcohol and Drugs Improved Physical Activity
Workplace Initiatives for a Safer Environment Perceived advantages to the employee Improved Health Happier Content Motivated
Workplace Initiatives for a Safer Environment Advantages to the Company Reduced “Smoke Breaks” Reduced Absenteeism Improved Productivity Better Motivation Content Workforce
Workplace Initiatives for a Safer Environment “Disadvantages” Employees Time Required Costs of Required Training
Workplace Initiatives for a Safer Environment Growing awareness of the extent of drug abuse Focus on link with crime, disorder Prevalent in industry Affect performance lead to injury Growing awareness of drug testing
Workplace Initiatives for a Safer Environment HOW SHOULD INDUSTRY TACKLE THE PROBLEM Recognise the signs Testing ? Policy
Workplace Initiatives for a Safer Environment RECOGNISE THE SIGNS Sudden mood changes Unusual irritability or aggression A tendency to become confused Abnormal swings in concentration and energy Impaired job performance Poor time keeping Increased short-term sickness absence A deterioration in relationships Dishonesty and theft
Workplace Initiatives for a Safer Environment DRUG TESTING Pre-employment Routine medicals Mandatory random testing Post accident testing For cause testing Post treatment or follow up testing Voluntary testing
Workplace Initiatives for a Safer Environment DRUG POLICY Help protect and promote health,safety and welfare Reduce accident rates Identify a drug problem at an early stage Advise on treatment and help Support recovery and help reintegration.