1.8 Combinations of Functions JMerrill, 2010
Arithmetic Combinations
Sum Let Find (f + g)(x)
Difference Let Find (f - g)(x)
Product Let Find
Quotient Let Find
You Do: Let Find: (f+g)(x) (fg)(x) (f-g)(x) (g-f)(x)
Finding the Domain of Quotients of Functions TTo find the domain of the quotient, first you must find the domain of each function. The domain of the quotient is the overlap of the domains.
Example TThe domain of f(x) = TThe domain of g(x) = [-2,2]
SSince the domains are: f(x) = g(x) = [-2,2] TThe domains of the quotients are
Composition of Functions MMost situations are not modeled by simple linear equations. Some are based on a system of functions, others are based on a composition of functions. AA composition of functions is when the output of one function depends on the input from another function.
Compositions Con’t For example, the amount you pay on your income tax depends on the amount of adjusted gross income (on your Form 1040), which, in turn, depends on your annual earnings.
Composition Example IIn chemistry, the process to convert Fahrenheit temperatures to Kelvin units TThis 2-step process that uses the output of the first function as the input of the second function. This formula gives the Celsius temp. that corresponds to the Fahrenheit temp. This formula converts the Celsius temp. to Kelvins
Composition Notation (f o g)(x) means f(g(x)) (g o f)(x) means g(f(x)
Composition of Functions: A Graphing Approach
You Do f(g(0)) = g(f(0)) = (f°g)(3) = (f°g)(-3) = (g°f)(4) = (f°g)(4) = f(x) g(x)
Compositions: Algebraically GGiven f(x) = 3x 2 and g(x) = 5x+1 FFind f(g(2))Find g(f(4)) gg(2)=5(2)+1 = 11 ff(11) = 3(11) 2 ==363 How much is f(4)? g(48) = 5(48)+1=241
Compositions: Algebraically Con’t GGiven f(x) = 3x 2 and g(x) = 5x+1 FFind f(g(x))Find g(f(x)) WWhat does g(x)=? ff(5x+1) ==3(5x+1) 2 ==3(25x 2 +10x+1) ==75x 2 +30x+3 What does f(x)=? g(3x 2 ) = 5(3x 2 )+1=15x 2 +1
You Do f(x)=4x 2 -1g(x) = 3x Find: