The incoming wave travels at 5ms -1 and has a wavelength of 4m. The wave changes its speed once it moves onto a shallower region and as the result its.


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Presentation transcript:

The incoming wave travels at 5ms -1 and has a wavelength of 4m. The wave changes its speed once it moves onto a shallower region and as the result its wavelength is 2m. What is the speed of the wave now? The angle which the incoming wave is coming towards the straight boundary of the shallower region is 40 o. Calculate the difference between the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction.

Snell’s Law

Try this! A water wave moves onto a deeper region. The angle of incidence = 80 o Refractive index of the shallow water = 1.3 Refractive index of the deeper water = 1.0 Calculate the angle of refraction.