Sign env. Risk Human uses What is the (weighted) extent of exceedance of a GW-QS or criteria’s value in a GWB? Further assessments verify GWB is of good status GWB is not of good groundwater chemical status for this test. GWB is of good groundwater chemical status for this test ≤ 20% No Yes Does the RBMP-average at any monitoring point in the GWB exceed a GW-QS or criteria’s value? No Yes If necessary, split the group of GWBs, improve delineation for component bodies concerned and treat as GWB. > 20% Yes
European Commission - DG Environment Unit D.2: Water & Marine Chemical Status assessment Annex: methods for calculation m Data aggregation at monitoring point u annual arithmetic mean, RBMP-average m Extent of exceedance u (weighted) percentage of sites u Percentage weighted by distance to GW-QS or criteria‘s value m Compliance in the assessment u Upper confidence limit of (weighted) annual arithmetic mean u Upper confidence limit of (weighted) Kriging mean
Salineintrusion Is there evidence of pressure based on a quantitative assessment? Does the RBMP-average at any relevant monitoring point exceed a GW-QS or criteria’s value? Is there a statistically significant upward trend in one or more relevant monitoring points? Is there an existing significant impact on a point of abstraction? GWB is not of good groundwater chemical status for this test. GWB is of good groundwater chemical status for this test. AND/OR Yes No Yes
Aquaticecosystem Is a surface water body at risk and connected to the GWB? Is exceedance located in an area where pollutants might be transferred to the surface water body? What is the pollutant load transferred from the GWB to the surface water body compared to the total load in the surface water body? GWB is not of good groundwater chemical status for this test. GWB is of good groundwater chemical status for this test. * Yes No ≤ 50% No Yes > 50% Is any relevant monitoring point in the GWB exceeding a criteria’s value by its maximum annual mean for a parameter responsible for the risk of the associated surface water body? No Yes
GWDTE Is a terrestrial ecosystem significantly damaged and connected to the GWB? Is the exceedance located in an area where pollutants might be transferred to the GWDTE? Is the pollution load transferred from the GWB and the resulting concentration causing harm to the GWDTE? GWB is not of good groundwater chemical status for this test. GWB is of good groundwater chemical status for this test. * Yes No Yes NoYes Is any relevant monitoring point in the GWB exceeding a criteria’s value by its maximum annual mean for a parameter responsible for the damage of the GWDTE ? No Yes
DWPA Does the significant change cause an impact on the level of treatment? GWB is not of good groundwater chemical status for this test. GWB is of good groundwater chemical status for this test. Yes The test refers to relevant monitoring points recommended by the Groundwater Monitoring Guidance Yes No Is there a significant anthropogenically induced upward trend (considering criteria‘s value respectively baseline level and annual arithmetic mean values) at contaminants posing a risk? No Is there evidence of increased treatment (incl. blending and closure) due to changes in water quality? Yes No