U N C L A S S I F I E D HIPPO is the Flagship for the Geomaterials Focus Area at Lujan Center High pressure-high temperature diffraction is needed to meet BES and DP goals to understand ultrahigh pressure materials Examples of high impact user research – H.R. Wenk (UC Berkeley) Geology 33, (2005) Meteorite shock texture – W. Mao (LANL) & RJ. Mao (Carnegie), Science 297, (2002) Gas hydrates – R. Hemley (Carnegie), YS Zhao (LANL) APL 86, wustite 20 GPa – W Mao (LANL) & RJ Mao (Carnegie), PNAS 101, (2004) H storage compounds Diffraction: “Three diffractometers, NPDF, HIPPO, and PCS have unique diffraction and sample- environment capabilities and experimental focus not found anywhere in the world; they will be fully competitive for a long time to come.” FDS: Currently competitive with TOSCA (ISIS). “Until the SNS VISION spectrometer comes on line in FDS will play an important role in satisfying the [research] demand … in hydrogen materials.” from Lujan Center in the SNS Era Workshop September 17-19, 2006, Santa Fe INSTRUMENTATION & PERSONNEL High Pressure Yusheng Zhao HIPPO Sven Vogel FDS Luc Daemen NPDF Thomas Proffen SPECTROMETER DEVELOPMENT TEAMS AND SPONSORS REFLECT DIVERSITY HIPPO: UCBerkeley, UCDavis, BES NPDF: UPenn, UVirginia, NSF, LDRD, BES FDS: LDRD, BES High Pressure: LANL-DP, LDRD, BES EDUCATION LANSCE Neutron Scattering School HIPPO workshops
U N C L A S S I F I E D Neutron texture measurements determine direction of meteorite impact Approach – Measure texture of Vredefort quartzite – Compare to texture of lab-shocked quartzite – Determine stiffness of various directions in quartzite Result – Texture of Vredefort meteorite is similar to lab-compressed quartzite – Direction of shock wave can be determined from texture – 1 Wenk, H. R., 1 Lonardelli, I., 2 Vogel, S. C., 1 Tullis, J., “Dauphine twinning as evidence for an impact origin of preferred orientation in quartzite: An example from Vredefort, South Africa”, Geology 33, (2005) – 1 University of California at Berkeley – 2 Los Alamos National Laboratory HIPPO specializes in texture at high temperature and pressure HIPPO Sven Vogel instrument scientist Scientific Challenge – Vredefort impact crater in South Africa is 2 billion years old – Shock-modified minerals exist in the crater – Can one determine the direction of impact from the shock modifications? Samples “remember” shock direction by texture anisotropy Shock direction [0111]
U N C L A S S I F I E D Spectrometer for Materials Research at Temperature and Stress (SMARTS)
U N C L A S S I F I E D SMARTS is used to study nonlinear mechanical behavior of geomaterials.
U N C L A S S I F I E D K.L. Page, Th. Proffen, S.E. McLain, T.W. Darling and J.A. TenCate, Local Atomic Structure of Fontainebleau Sandstone: Evidence for an Amorphous Phase?, Geophysical Research Lett. (2004). A “glassy” phase in sandstone has been discovered through PDF Measurements on NPDF. Goal: Relate unusual acoustic properties to local atomic structure. Technique: Pair Distribution Function (PDF) measured on NPDF gives local structural information. Result: Evidence for a “glassy” phase in Fontainebleau sandstone rock. Excess Si-O and O-O nearest neighbors indicating “glassy” contribution.