Hardware, Languages, and Architectures for Defense Against Hostile Operating Systems (DHOSA) Vikram Adve, Krste Asanović, David Evans, Sam King, Greg Morrisett, R. Sekar, Dawn Song, David Wagner (PI)
Vikram Adve (UIUC) Krste Asanović (UC Berkeley) David Evans (U Virginia) Sam King (UIUC) Greg Morrisett (Harvard) R. Sekar (Stony Brook) Dawn Song (UC Berkeley) David Wagner (UC Berkeley)
Overview Conventional wisdom: If the OS is malicious or subverted, you are hosed. This project: Actually, maybe there is hope… Project goal: Explore new approaches to defend against a malicious OS.
Problem Statement Defend against a compromised, hostile, or malicious operating system. Today: If the OS is malicious, all is lost. Desired end state: We can survive a malicious OS, perhaps with degraded functionality or availability.
Exploring New Territory This is exploratory research. (Not an engineering project.) We are exploring many approaches to the problem. We do not know which will prove most effective. Some may fail. We hope some of our ideas will have applications to other security problems outside of the hostile OS problem.
TRANSFORMATION HARDWARE SYSTEM ARCHITECTURES SVA Binary translation and emulation Formal methods Hardware support for isolation Dealing with malicious hardware Cryptographic secure computation Data-centric security Secure browser appliance Secure servers WEB-BASED ARCHITECTURES e.g., Enforce properties on a malicious OS e.g., Prevent data exfiltration e.g., Enable complex distributed systems, with resilience to hostile OS’s
Agenda 8:30- 9:00Welcome + Overview 9:00- 9:30Secure Virtual Architecture 9:30- 9:50Binary translation 9:50-10:20Formal methods 10:20-10:35Testing binary emulators 10:50-11:10Hardware support 11:10-11:25Defenses against malicious hardware 11:25-11:40Cryptographic secure computation 11:40-12:20Lunch 12:20-12:50Data-centric security 12:50- 1:20Secure web-based architecture 1:20- 1:45Discussion and feedback