Bible Blitz Msgr Ed Thompson And Deacon Norm Kazyk With Technical Assistance Ray Hosler
Acts of the Apostles This book is the second volume of St. Luke’s Gospel Purpose is not merely historical but theological proclaiming that salvation brought by Christ is not restricted to a particular people, but is for everyone. Deacon Norm Introduction
Introduction cont’d The first part is focused on Peter and the other elements of the growth of the Church. The second part is largely about the ministry of St. Paul.
Chapter 1 The Christian mission Judas’ replacement (note his death)
Chapter 2 Pentecost, the manifestation of tongues 42-47The early Church described
Chapter 3 1-Peter goes to the Temple? Miraculous works
Chapter 6 The first Deacons Chapter 7 Stephen, the first martyr and the introduction of Saul (vs 58)
Chapter 9 Saul’s conversion and the restoration of life to Tabitha Chapter 10 Cornelius
Chapter 13 The mission travels of Peter and Paul Chapter 14 End of the first mission Note (vs 23) Presbyters
Chapter 15 Council of Jerusalem 1-12The Meeting 13-21James 22-29Letter of the Apostles 30-35Delegates at Antioch Fr. Ed
V The Mission of Paul 36-41Paul and Barnabas Separate Chapter Paul and Timothy 6-10Asia Minor 11-15Into Europe 16-24Prison in Phillippi 25-40Out of Prison
Chapter Paul in Thessalonica 10-15Paul in Beroea 16-21Paul in Athens 22-33Speech at the Areopagus
Chapter Paul in Corinth 12-17Accusations before Gallio 18-23Return to Syrian Antioch 24-28Apollos
Chapter Paul in Ephesus 13-20Jewish Exorcists 21-22Paul’s Plans 24-28Riot of the Silversmith’s
Chapter Macedonia and Greece 4-6Return to Troas 7-12Eutychus Restored to Life 13-16Journey to Miletus 17-38Farewell Speech at Miletus
Chapter Tyre 7-14Caesarea 15-26Paul and James in Jerusalem 27-40Paul’s Arrest
Chapter Paul’s Defense 22-29Imprisoned 30Sanhedrin Chapter Sanhedrin 12-35Caesarea
Chapter Trial before Felix 24-27Caesarea Chapter Appeal to Caesar 13-27King Agrippa
Chapter King Agrippa 24-32Reactions to Paul’s Speech Chapter Departure for Rome 6-44Shipwreck
Chapter Malta 11-16Rome 17-30Testimony to Jews