Civic Duty & Citizenship Political & Social Responsibilities.


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Presentation transcript:

Civic Duty & Citizenship Political & Social Responsibilities

Civic Virtue definition: personal living that stresses success of the community definition: personal living that stresses success of the community G. Washington’s Farewell Address G. Washington’s Farewell Address –avoid political parties! –importance of unity; avoid sectionalism –importance of checks & balances, separation of powers –dangers of permanent foreign alliance –free trade Volunteerism Volunteerism Self-Interest vs. Common Good Self-Interest vs. Common Good

The Constitution Preamble Preamble –We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Articles 1 – 7 (federalism) Articles 1 – 7 (federalism) –1. Legislative –2. Executive –3. Judicial –4. duties of states & fed. govt. –5. altering the Constitution –6. Fed. govt. supreme –7. ratification Bill of Rights (anti-federalism) Bill of Rights (anti-federalism) –1 st 10 amendments Amendments Amendments –27 in all Bill of Rights: 1.Freedom of Speech, Assembly, Press, Petition, Religion 2.bear arms 3.quartering of soldiers 4.unreasonable searches & seizures 5.due process, remain silent, double jeopardy, eminent domain, grand jury 6.speedy & public trial, impartial jury 7.jury trial in civil cases cruel, unusual punishment 9.states’ rights 10.powers not listed belong to the people

Social Contract Obeying the Law Obeying the Law Serving on Juries Serving on Juries Paying Taxes Paying Taxes Voting Voting Military Services Military Services Analyzing public issues Analyzing public issues Policy making Policy making Evaluating candidates Evaluating candidates *Follow the law, and in turn, you will be protected *Govt. power comes from the people *Govt. = serve & protect people’s rights