Falling for you pillows
A thanksgiving gift of love Genealogy Botany Embroidery Appliqué
Embroidery Art form using threads to decorate fabric
The oldest embroidery date back to the Middle Ages
Embroider family name Requirement
Embroidery stitches
Running stitch
Chain Stitch
Back stitch
Overcast stitch
Button hole stitch
Feather stitch
French knot
Satin stitch
Appliqué Cut and sew shapes onto another piece of fabric
Requirement Appliqué falling leaves More than four!
Appliqué Leaves are to represent family members
What colors best represent that individual?
Photosynthesis a process by which green plants & other organisms
turn carbon dioxide & water into carbohydrates & oxygen
using light energy trapped by chlorophyll
Leaf Identification Do you know your leaves?
Oak Leaf
Pine leaf Pine needles
Red Ash
Bradford pear
Red Cedar
Dendrochronology. Dendro-" is greek for tree. "Chron-" means time. "ology" is the study of.
Dendrochronology can tell age of the tree climate floods insect-damage forest fire by examining the trees
Dendrochronology Tree Ring dating Study of annual growth ring Each ring is one year How old is this tree?
It’s OK To Be A Tree Hugger!!!!
We need Oxygen
Oxygen is food for our blood Our body changes oxygen into carbon dioxide (gas)
We breathe in Oxygen Breathe out Carbon Dioxide
Trees take in carbon dioxide & put out oxygen
just the opposite of people and animals.
plants and trees make the oxygen that we need to breathe
Sooo It’s To Be A Tree Hugger!
Save Our Trees !
Genealogy- the study of the history of families & the line of descent from their ancestors
Genealogy Can you chart out your family tree?
Family Tree Think about your family tree Who is strongest like an oak tree?
Project Requirements Leaf shapes appliquéd on pillow (more than four) Family name embroidered
Steps: 1.Cut Muslin to shape of pillow 2.Gather your fabric for leaves (appliqué) 3.Draw and Cut leaf pattern from hard paper 4.Pin & Sew fabric leaves onto muslin 5.Embroider the family name 6.Sew all 3 sides 7.Stuff 8.Sew last side