Unit 8 marketing & Text & Exercises Unit 8 marketing & Text & Exercises.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 8 marketing & Text & Exercises Unit 8 marketing & Text & Exercises

Contents 1. Greet students and check up attendance 2.Study the dialogue. 3.Study useful expressions 4.Do dialogue. 5. Arrange the homework:

A: You ’ re doing very nicely in our market. But you could be doing better if you developed some kind of sales network there.

B: We ’ re also thinking of getting a way to reach all our potential customers. So we want to have an agent to push our products in your country. Would you like to accept the appointment?

A: We should be very pleased to represent you, if terms and conditions are right. B: What ’ s the annual order you can guarantee? A: To stand on the safe side, not less than $200,000 for a start. I needn ’ t mention that the price you give us must be competitive. B: Certainly. Terms for our agents are usually the best ones. Now what is the territory to be covered?

A: The whole country. B: And the commission you expect? A: 10% on total sales. B: We can ’ t go as far as that. We generally allow our agents in this line a commission of 8%. A: In that case, anything less than 10% is not worth the trouble. You know we have to fight for every dollar we make.

useful expressions 1.We ’ d like to have the right of sole distribution of your sports goods in our area. 我们想要你们 体育用品在我地区的独家经销权。 2.We ’ re now working on your sports wear. I ’ m thinking of expanding into sports equipment. 现在我们经营的是你们的运动服装。我打算扩 大到做运动器材。

3.That market, as I see it, has got a lot of potential. 依我看来,这个市场潜力很大。 4. We would arrange the best space to display your goods. 我用最显著的位置来 展览你的产品。

5. We ’ ll take a stand at the coming International Fair to make your brands know in the trade. 我们还要在即将举行的国际博览会设立 摊位,使你的品牌在本行业中成为众所 周知的产品。

6.To impress the buying public, how about the after-sales service? 给买货的人们留下深刻的印象。售后服务怎么 办 ? 7. Why not place a trial order to sound out the market potential? 为什么不先订购一笔试试,试探一下市场的潜 力。

8. we ’ re just taking up the line, I ’ m afraid we can ’ t do much right now. 我们才着手经营这行当,恐怕眼下做不 了多少。 9. That ’ s under our line of business. 那属于 我们的业务范围。

10. I hope we can do a lot of business together in the future 。我希望将来我们能 做很多生意。

Exercises:Translation 1.We ’ re thinking of getting a way to break into that market. 2.How long have you been in this business ?

3.We have very good connections with wholesalers , chain stores , and distributors. 4.We ’ re pleased with what you ’ ve done to expand the market.

5.We need an experienced representative for our products in France. How about you ?

Arrange the homework: P12 Exercise Ⅰ

Thank You!