Power Failure XYZ Port Facility Maritime Security Drill Briefing for Controllers date
Power Failure Emergency Response – Contingencies Power Failure Drill D421
Power Failure Scope Date, time, location Aim Objectives Desired outcomes Controllers Players Materials Scenario Master Events List Controller Tasks Communications Safety Debrief
Power Failure Drill number: X/XX Date: Start Time: Location: Estimated End Time:
Power Failure Aim To enhance the proficiency of port facility staff in responding to a power failure
Power Failure Objectives Operations staff to switch on backup power within the time limit as specified in the PFSP Security staff to respond to power failure according to procedure in the PFSP.
Power Failure Desired outcomes Staff will be able to: Switch on backup power quickly in the event of a main power failure. Respond appropriately to a power failure.
Power Failure Control Team Chief Controller: PFSO, Mr. AAA Controllers Chief Electrical Engineer – Mr. XXX Electrical Engineer – Mr. YYY Safety officer
Power Failure Players Security staff on duty Operations staff on duty
Power Failure Materials Selected lighting zone in the Port Facility.
Power Failure Scenario There has been several blackouts in recent times. Staff have to be prepared to get the electrical supply available again quickly and to additional measures to ensure the security of the port facility is not compromised while electrical supply is not available.
Power Failure Master Events List S/NTimeEventFromToMeans of Delivery Expected Response Remarks All participants in position Drill commence Chief Controller AllWalkie Talkie None“Drill Start” Security lighting failed ControllerSecurity staff Physically cut off power Inform ops department, take actions to maintain security Drill completed Chief Controller AllWalkie Talkie Dispersal of personnel/ equipment “Drill End” Restore main and emergency power supply Chief Controller AllRestore all services Tested to be fully functional Hot WashChief Controller AllN/A
Power Failure Controller Tasks Select an area where both main and backup power can be isolated. Shut down the power at the appropriate time. Main and backup power to be restored at the end of the drill
Power Failure Communications Mobile phone Walkie-Talkie Player – Ch YY Controllers – Ch ZZ
Power Failure Drill StartThe drill is to commence Drill SuspendThe drill is temporarily suspended Drill GoThe drill is to resume from where it was suspended Drill StopThe drill is to be terminated (prematurely) Drill EndThe drill is completed Drill, Drill, DrillThe message or statement that follows this preamble relates to the drill only, and is not to be confused with real activity Code words
Power Failure Safety Physical safety of personnel is paramount There is to be no physical contact between player and controllers acting as intruders, etc. Security staff are not to use abusive language when talking to controllers acting as “intruders” Do not neglect the safety of equipment
Power Failure Debrief Location: Secretary: Attendance
Power Failure Any questions ?