Scenario Mr. Robert C. Hutchinson Dr. Freda K. Vaughan Major Robin Ducker 18 April 2012 Breakout Session Central Asia Regional Health Security Workshop George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies April 2012, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Scenario Your country has been asked to deploy ground troops to a country with an human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevalence of 20%. Your peacekeeping mission is to provide security in an urban area where there will be frequent contact with the local population.
Group Participation Guidelines Divide participants into two groups to work together in developing responses to the questions that follow: Group 1 – Communications (timely, accurate, structured, consistent messaging to all sectors – preventing rumors and misinformation and to frame the event) – Security and Border Control (provide security support in the movement of materials, medicine and food and monitoring entry points into the country) Group 2 – Health (notification and reporting) – Logistics Preparedness (coordination of antiviral, personal protective equipment and/or vaccine distributions)
Participant Questions 1.What would you include in your human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention plan before this deployment? 2.Do sufficient training, plans and personal protective equipment exist prior to deployment? 3.What could you do to decrease the chance of your soldiers contracting HIV while on this deployment? 4.What would you do when your soldiers returned from the deployment?
Issues Responses should challenge the following: Establish a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevalence baseline by testing all deploying soldiers for HIV. Educate all ranks of soldiers prior to deployment on HIV, methods of transmission, safe sex practices, etc. Continue to educate soldiers on HIV while on deployment. Reduce use of alcohol while on deployment to decrease high risk sexual behavior (if appropriate to your country). Conduct post deployment HIV testing.
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