Teach GCSE Maths Volume of a Cuboid and Isometric Drawing
Teach GCSE Maths Volume of a Cuboid and Isometric Drawing © Christine Crisp "Certain images and/or photos on this presentation are the copyrighted property of JupiterImages and are being used with permission under license. These images and/or photos may not be copied or downloaded without permission from JupiterImages"
A line has 1 dimension, length ( but we have to ignore its thickness! ) A flat surface has 2 dimensions, length and width. 4 cm 7 cm 3 cm This is a 2 -D rectangle:
Solid objects are 3-D but we draw them on a 2-D rectangle! We can use isometric paper to help us draw a 3-D object. The volume of a solid is the amount of space it takes up. Volume is measured in cubic units. e.g. cm 3, m 3, mm 3 1 cm This cube has a volume of 1 cm 3 All cubes have 6 faces, face 12 edges edge The dots are 1 cm apart. vertex and 8 vertices. Edges we cannot see are often shown as dotted lines.
This cube is made up of small cubes. 4 cm
This cube is made up of small cubes. Each of the small cubes measures 1 cm by 1 cm by 1 cm. If we look at the plan view ( from the top ), we can see the number of cubes in each layer. How many cubes are there in each layer? How many cubes altogether? Ans: There are 4 4 = 16 cubes in each layer. There are 4 layers, so there are 4 16 = 64 altogether. The volume is 64 cm 3 4 cm Plan view
Counting cubes is not a practical way of finding volume. The volume of a cube can be found by multiplying: volume = 4 4 4 = 64 cm 3 For this cube, We find the volume of a cuboid in the same way. 4 cm Plan view 4 cm Volume = length width height
e.g.1 Find the volume of the cuboid in the diagram. volume = 6 4 3 = 72 cm 3 Volume = length width height Solution: 4 cm 6 cm 3 cm We can draw a cuboid without using isometric paper.
e.g.2 Find the volume of a cuboid measuring 2 m by 1 m by 50 cm. Decide with your partner which units you would use. Solution: We must make all the units the same, either metres or centimetres. Using centimetres: Volume = length width height volume = 200 100 50 = cm 3 Using metres: volume = 2 1 = 1 m cm 3 = 1 m 3 So, ( 1 m = 100 cm ) ( 50 cm = ½ m ) ½ 1m1m 2m2m 50 cm
We know 100 cm = 1 m cm 3 = 1 m 3 Tell your partner why are there so many cm 3 in 1 m 3. The diagram shows us the reason. When we change from metres to centimetres, each of the measurements is multiplied by 100. To change from m 3 to cm 3 we multiply by 100 100 m1m 2m2m ½m½m 100c m 200c m 50 cm
We know that Volume = length width height So, if we are given the volume, length and width, we can find the height.
We know that Volume = length width height So, if we are given the volume, length and width, we can find the height. The easiest way is to find the area of the base. Then, Height = Volume ÷ Area of the Base So, Volume = area height
Solution: 5 m5 m 2 m2 m h Volume = 30 m 3 e.g. Find the height, h, of the cuboid shown. Area of the base = 2 5 = 10 m 2 Height = Volume ÷ Area of the Base So, height = 30 ÷ 10 = 3 m If we are given the area of the base instead of the length and width, we have less work to do !
SUMMARY Volume is measured in cubic units such as cm 3, m 3 and mm 3. When we find volume, the units must all be the same. Units: 1 m = 100 cm 1 cm = 10 mm To change from m 3 to cm 3 we multiply by 100 100 100. ( centimetres are smaller so we have more of them ) To change from cm 3 to m 3 we divide by 100 100 100. For a cuboid, Height = volume ÷ area of the base Volume = length width height
EXERCISE 1. Find the volumes of the following solids: Solutions: (a) Volume = 3 3 3 Volume = length width height Reminder: We can write this as 3 3. = 27 cm 3 (b) Volume = 5 4 3 = 60 cm 3 Here we must write cm 3 NOT cm (a) Cube (b) Cuboid 5 cm 4 cm 3 cm
EXERCISE 2. Find the height of the cuboid with length 9 cm, width 7 cm and volume 189 cm 3 : Solution: = 189 ÷ 63 = 3 cm Height = volume ÷ area of the base Area of base = 9 7 = 63 cm 3 9 cm 7 cm h