Schematic Picture of Region close to protostar From Matt & Pudritz (2005) disk envelope outflow
Different outflow manifestations 1 pc L1551 Optical: traces hot shocked region Bally et al.
3 Looney et al. (2007) Different outflow manifestations IR: excited H 2 emission (traces slow shocks) H 2 not dissociated by shock Smith et al. (2007) Spitzer observations L1157 HH µm (NIR) observations
HH flow poking out of a globule, optical (DSS) Spitzer Infrared Image: A. Noriega-Crespo (SSC/Caltech) Outflow in IR observed with Spitzer Space Telescope 0.5 pc
1 pc L1551 Images: Optical or NIR Contours: CO outflow emission ( ~ mm ) Bally et al.; Stojimirovic et al. (2006) Looney et al. (2007); Bachiller et al. (2001) Different outflow manifestations mm: CO traces entrained+accelerated cloud gas
History of HH object research (I): 1950’s- discovery by Herbig and Haro (Herbig 1951; Haro 1952) 1970’s- detailed study of HH object spectra showed shock-like spectra in HH objects (Schwartz 1975) late 70’s, early 80’s- proper motion studies revealed velocities of km s -1, and “bipolarity” (non-spherical) aspect of stellar wind. (e.g., Cudworth & Herbig 1979; Herbig & Jones 1981) 0.25 pc HH 1 - HH 2: Herbig & Jones 1981 HH 1 HH 2 C-S star 0.25 pc
History of HH object research (II): 1980’s- CCD surveys of HH objects revealed HH jets originating from young stars (e.g., Mundt & Fried 1983; Mundt et al. 1984) HH 34 - Buehrke et al pc late 1980’s, early 1990’s - Episodic nature of HH flows discussed (e.g., Reipurth 1989; Hartmann et al. 1993)
History of HH object research (III): 1990’s- HST images of HH flows 10 3 AU
mid to late 1990’s- wide-field CCD camera surveys of star-forming regions: giant HH flows discovered (e.g., Eislöffel & Mundt 1997; Reipurth et al. 1997) History of HH object research (IV): HH Reipurth et al pc
History of HH object research (V): mid to late 1990’s High-res. studies of jet proper motion using HST (e.g., Hartigan et al. 2001; 2005)
History of HH object research (V):
1.5 pc Before 1995: Herbig (1974) Aspin et al. (1994) Mid 1990’s: Bally et al. (1996) Today: Gutermuth et al. (2007) Many outflows in a cluster: Our changing view of NGC 1333 through the years Near Future: CARMA, deep IRAC, Herschel, HH proper motions
HH knot spectra Hartigan et al. 1999
History of Molecular (CO) Outflow research (I): 1970’s- detection of extremely high- velocity gas toward star-formation region CO(1-0) spectrum of KL Nebula in Orion - Zuckerman et al. (1976)
History of Molecular (CO) Outflow research (II): CO(1-0) map of L1551 outflow Snell et al. (1980) 1980’s- first molecular outflow maps revealed bipolar wind coincident with HH objects. (e.g., Snell et al. 1980; Rodríguez et al. 1980) Proper Motions: Cudworth & Herbig 1979
Different outflow manifestations 1 pc L1551 Optical and NIR images Contours: CO outflow emission ( ~ mm ) Bally et al.; Stojimirovic et al. (2006) Looney et al. (2007); Bachiller et al. (2001)
Resolution does matter! 21” beam 1.5” beam HH211 Outflow Greyscale: NIR image Contours: CO (2-1)
Conventional way to look for outflows in data cubes Examining individual spectra…Examining individual channel maps…
Outflow Identification using 3D data visualization Velocity DEC RA-DEC integrated intensity map of 12 CO RA For more information on AM projects, related movies and animations, go to: Initiative for Innovating Computing (IIC) at Harvard Astronomical Medicine (AM) Project Project led by Michelle Borkin, Alyssa Goodman, Mike Halle (IIC)
3D Visualization For AM project related movies and animations, go to: