PHYSICAL PROPERTIESCHEMICAL PROPERTIES Characteristics observed that don’t change the substance Ability of a substance to combine with or change into one or more other substances
EXAMPLES OF PHYSICAL PROPERTIES EXAMPLES CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Color Freezing point Melting point Malleability Tensile strength Solubility Texture Taste Sound Magnetic Hardness Conductivity Height Density Mass Shape Volume Smell Ductile Luster Rust Burns Corrodes Reacts Deteriorates Oxidizes Reacts with water
INTENSIVEEXTENSIVE Independent of the amount of matter EX: density, color Dependent on the amount of matter EX: mass, volume, height
PropertySolidLiquidGas Definite ShapeYesNo Definite volumeYes No Structure (describe the space between particles) Tightly packedLoosely PackedNot Packed, lots of space CompressibleNo Yes Can Flow (fluid)NoYes