Courtesy of Evil Mr. Bleecker
Anaglyphs use two colour tones – red and blue to generate two images interpreted by the brain separately This gives the illusion of depth – 3 Dimensions
Want to See More? Make sure you have your 3-D glasses on!
Ever Wanted to See Mars in 3D?
How about a 3D Movie?
Anaglyphs Use binocular vision (two images from your eyes to the brain) to create 3D effects A favorite trick of movie fanatics, with some more notable films such as –Treasure of the 4 Crowns (an Indiana Jones rip-off) –Jaws 3D (a terrible film) –Amityville Horror
Famous Illusions
How many People can your Find?
Don’t Forget the Box!
How many Cubes?
Vase or Faces?
Another Variation
Are these Lines Straight?
Just a Reflection?
Is this Possible?
How Many Legs?
Do my Eyes Deceive Me? Are the lines between the arrowheads equal in length?
Triangle Illusion! Do you see two triangles? There are no triangles, just the illusion formed by the shapes.
Old Man or Young Woman?