Plant Pathology David R. Drake
Pathology The study of disease. Disease Anything that causes abnormal growth
Plant Disease Any disturbance of a plant that interferes with its normal growth and development, economic value, and aesthetic quality; a continuously, often progressively affected condition in contrast to injury, which results from momentary damage. Source: Plant Diseases: Their Biology and Social Impact. Gail L. Schumann APS Press
Historical Plant Diseases Irish Potato Famine American Chestnut Blight Dutch Elm Disease. St. Anthony’s Fire Tulip Virus
St. Anthony’s Fire Ergot Prevalent in Rye
Tulip Virus Tulips introduced to Europe circa 1550 Virus infected bulbs created Tulipmania from
PRICE BARTERED FOR 1 BULB 4 Tons Wheat 8 Tons Rye 4 Fat Oxen 8 Fat Pigs 12 Fat Sheep 2 Hogsheads Wine 4 Barrels Beer 2 Barrels Butter 1000 Lbs Cheese 1 Bed with Accessories 1 Full-dress Suit 1 Silver Goblet
Types of Pathogens Parasitic Non-parasitic (abiotic)
Pathogen Host Environment Factors in Disease: Disease Triangle
Parasitic Fungi Bacteria Virus Nematodes protoplasma Parasitic plants
Fungi Lack cholorphyll 100,100 – beneficial Most microscopic Spores Fungicides
Bacteria Single-celled Binary fission Rapid multiplication Free moisture Bactericides
Virus Protein and nucleic acid Sub-microscopic Insect vectored Mechanical transmission
Nematodes Microscopic eel worms Eggs Stylet Virus vectors Nematicide
Protoplasma (mycoplasma) Similar to bacteria No cell wall Vectored by leafhoppers Controlled with antibiotics
Parasitic Plants
Non-parasitic Iron chlorosis Powdery mildew Cytospora Fire blight
Iron Chlorosis
Powdery Mildew Halt (thiophanate methyl) Benlate Funginex Bayleton Sulfur Tilt
Funginex Roses – Powdery mildew – Rust (rare) Fruit – Powdery mildew – Brown rot (rare)
Cytospora Canker
Fire Blight
Fire Blight Control Avoid excess nitrogen Prune out cankers Treat with fixed copper or streptomycin
Cuitlachoche Safflower oil Onion chopped Garlic chopped Chilies Cuitalchoche 3T 2T Cups Saute’ until translucent
Verticillium Wilt
Chlorothalonil Disease control with Daconil Daconil lawn and garden fungicide Daconil 2787 Multi-purpose fungicide
White Mold
Slime Flux Wet Wood