THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW Rooms – children will be given their room grouping on arrival. They will then also be put into different groups for daily activities. The kit list Types of activities Evening entertainment Spending money Medicines For more information: visit park-school-adventure-centre-buckinghamshire/
KIT LIST Here is a copy for you to take home. This gives a rough idea of how many of each item children should bring. Please ensure that everything is clearly labelled – we usually arrive back with a lot of lost property! Kit should all fit in one bag and have the luggage label provided fixed to it. Pack with your child so that they know what they have brought with them….many deny all knowledge of items in their bag!
ROOM ALLOCATION Children will be given their room groupings on arrival. Rooms sleep 2 -3 children. Staff have rooms either end of the children’s sleeping block so that we are on hand at all times to support the children. Children’s working groups will differ from their room groupings to ensure that they have the opportunity to enjoy the company of lots of children in the class. These working groups will also be explained on arrival.
THE MENU Timings for meals will be allocated on our arrival, but is usually the favourite part of the trip for many children! Please bring a packed lunch for the first day that we will eat after we arrive. Please make sure everything is disposable.
TYPES OF ACTIVITIES Rocket Archery Sensory trail Abseiling Den building Climbing Challenge course
MEDICINES If your child requires any regular medication to be administered please hand this to Mrs Lock in a labelled container as you drop off your child on departure day. Please include detailed instructions of when and how often to administer the medicine. We have had most of the medical forms back, but if you have not yet filled this in we have some spare copies for you to fill in now. Newlands Park request that copies of these are sent on ahead of our arrival so that they are aware of any requirements of the group. We are happy to chat to you individually if you have any specific concerns about medication or pre-existing medical requirements.
SPENDING MONEY There will be an opportunity to visit the gift shop on site. Items to purchase include mugs, sweets, erasers, pencils etc. Children should bring no more than £5.oo in a named envelope, which should be handed directly to Mrs Baker. This will be given out only at the shop and any change returned to Mrs Baker’s safekeeping at the end of the shopping experience!
ANY QUESTIONS? If you have any concerns following general questions please come and talk to a member of staff.