1 So you think you know the Voluntary Sector?
4 Think again VCS nationally is worth £11.7 billion to the UK in Gross Value Added. That’s larger than the value of the UK’s agriculture industry, which is £8.3billion Nationally 765,000 people work in the VCS
5 What about Bristol? The VCS in Bristol About 1,400 VCS organisations in Bristol Of which: 57% have paid staff 43% run entirely by volunteers 42% have an income of under £30,000
6 How are they funded? The VCS, as a whole is funded, very roughly: 1/3 Income from services 1/3 Income from grant making trusts/donations 1/3 Income from local, central Gov’t, including the NHS.
7 What does the Bristol VCS do? What does the VCS do? Everything! Supporting people to improve their quality of life Sociability; bring people together Supporting physical and mental ill health Filling the gaps; e.g. drugs and alcohol, supporting sexual abuse survivors,
8 What does the Bristol VCS do? What does the VCS do? Examples Food banks and healthy lifestyles Children and Young People Crime and the impact of crime Cradle to Grave - Mothers to Mothers - St Peter’s Hospice
9 How to find out more How to contact the VCS: 1. Local community and health and wellbeing centres 2. Voscur - Health and Social Care Network - Sue Brazendale, org 3. The Care Forum -Health and Social Care Network, Caroline McAleese,