Healthwatch Friend or Foe? Managers’ Quality Networking Forum Sue Baknak, Engagement Manager Sarah Bailey, Enter & View and Volunteer Co-ordinator Wednesday 23 rd September 2015
What is Engaging Communities (ECS)
Evidence and Insight Community Engagement Information and Signposting Complaints Advocacy Independent Persons Panel for Children’s Social Care Complaints ECS Services
What is Healthwatch? QUIZ!
What is Healthwatch? A national and local consumer champion to give citizens and communities a stronger voice to influence and challenge how health and social care services are provided An independent body with Statutory Functions Set up by the Health and Social Care Act 2012 and made up of Healthwatch England (influences national policy and guidance and provides leadership, guidance and support to local Healthwatch Local Healthwatch
What is the purpose of Healthwatch Staffordshire? Place on the Health & Wellbeing Board Enable local people to share views and concerns Alert Healthwatch England, Care Quality Commission or OFSTED to concerns about health and social care services Provide people with information about choices and what to do when things go wrong Signpost people to information about local health and care services and how to access them Feedback to organisations responsible for commissioning or delivering local health and social care services
What is Enter and View? Legislation Health and Social Care Act 2012: Part 5, Public Involvement and Local Government Established through legislation under Part 6, Section 4 of the NHS Bodies and Local Authorities (Partnership Arrangements, Care Trusts, Public Health and Local Healthwatch) Regulation 2013 The Local Authorities (Public Health Functions and Entry to premises by Local Healthwatch Representatives) Regulations 2013 (SI 2013/351)
What is Enter and View? Enter and View is the opportunity for Authorised Representatives: To go into health and social care premises to hear and see how the consumer experiences the service To collect the views of service users (patients and residents) at the point of service delivery To collect the views of carers and relatives of service users To observe the nature and quality of services - observation involving all the senses To collate evidence-based feedback To report to providers, CQC, Local Authority and NHS commissioners and quality assurers, Healthwatch England and any other relevant partners To develop insights and recommendations across multiple visits to inform strategic decision making at local and national levels.
Your Turn…. Where do you think Enter and View applies Exclusions: where do you think Enter and View does not apply
Where does Enter and View Apply? Guiding principle: where health and social care is funded from the public purse. Legislation allows Enter and View activity to be undertaken with regard to the following organisations or persons: NHS Trusts NHS Foundation Trusts Local Authorities A person providing primary medical services (GPs) A person providing primary dental services (Dentists) A person providing ophthalmic services (opticians) A person providing pharmaceutical services (community pharmacists) A person who owns or controls premises where ophthalmic and pharmaceutical services are provided Bodies or institutions which are contracted by Local Authorities or the NHS to provide health or care services (e.g. adult social care homes and day care centres)
Exclusions: where Enter and view does not does not apply The duty to allow entry does not apply in the following circumstances: If the visit compromises either the effective provision of a service or the privacy of a service or the privacy or dignity of any person If the premises where the care is being provided is a person’s own home Where the part(s) of premises are used solely as accommodation for employees Where the premises are non-communal parts of care homes Where health and social care services are not provided at the premises (such as offices) or where they are not being provided at the time of the visit (when facilities are closed) If, in the opinion of the provider of the service being visited, the authorised representative, in seeking to enter and view its premises, is not acting reasonably and proportionately If the authorised representative does not provide evidence that they are authorised The duty does not apply to the observing of any activities which relate to the social care services to children
Key Benefits of Enter and View To encourage, support, recommend and influence service improvement by: Capturing and reflecting the views of service users who often go unheard, e.g. care home residents Offering service users an independent, trusted party (lay person) with whom they feel comfortable sharing experiences Engaging carers and relatives Identifying and sharing ‘best practice’, e.g. activities that work well Keeping ‘quality of life’ matters firmly on the agenda Encouraging providers to engage with local Healthwatch as a ‘critical friend’, outside of formal inspection Gathering evidence at the point of service delivery, to add to a wider understanding of how services are delivered to local people Supporting the local Healthwatch remit to help ensure that the views and feedback from service users and carers play an integral part in local commissioning Spreading-the-word about local Healthwatch.
An inspection Other parties – especially the provider – may well think of ‘Enter and View’ as an inspection We need to work with all parties to dispel this myth One of the key strengths is that enter and view offers is a layperson’s perspective (e.g. like the 15 Step Challenge), rather than in-depth training in formal inspection methodology A standalone activity ‘Enter and View’ is just one tool available to local Healthwatch for collecting evidence for a defined purpose Authorised Representatives’ role is to work with other organisations and bodies to bring about service improvement Not a last resort nor a first choice option ‘Enter and View’ is planned, with a clear purpose Enter and View is not.....
Who can carry out Enter and View Only Authorised Representatives (AR) with this specific remit Only for the purpose of carrying out the activities of Healthwatch Staffordshire ARs will be identified through Healthwatch Staffordshire’s recruitment, selection and training processes ARs will be required to undergo a DBS Check A ‘nominated person’ from Healthwatch Staffordshire must consider, and be satisfied by the DBS certificate Healthwatch Staffordshire must make publicly available a list of all ARs
The duty to allow entry does not apply if: The visit compromises effective provision of services or the privacy/ dignity of any person The Authorised Representative is not acting reasonably or proportionately in seeking to enter and view the premises The Authorised Representative does not provide the evidence that they are authorised to view services in accordance with the Regulations
Purpose of the Enter and View Visit The purpose of the Enter and View Visit will fit into 3 areas of activity: 1.To contribute to a wider local Healthwatch programme of work 2.To look at a single issue across a number of premises 3.To respond to local intelligence at a single premises
Your Turn… What ‘purposes’ would prompt an enter and view visit to be conducted?
Examples of an Enter and View Purpose A local Healthwatch is undertaking an engagement exercise to understand the experience of individuals with dementia and their carers, as consumers of health and social services. In addition to engaging with carers forums, carrying out surveys and working with local dementia support groups, there is a clear purpose of enter and view to engage with those individuals and carers in a care home setting. To engage with residents in 10 care homes, to identify good practice in providing choice of food To respond to a number of contacts received from members of the public regarding insensitive communication by care home workers at a specific care home.
The Benefits of a Clear Purpose of a visit A clear purpose for a visit leads to clear decisions about who should visit, when, using what process Providers will be more accepting of a visit if they understand its purpose A purpose should not be over-ambitious Involving other organisations, when specialist knowledge may be required to help clarify the purpose, can be useful, e.g. other health and social care voluntary organisations (Approach – dementia care) A clear purpose leads to effective reporting
Enter and View Visit…. The Authorised Representatives will look at the following areas: External physical environment Internal physical environment Observe the delivery of services – environment and culture Patient or Resident feedback on their experience(s) of services Feedback from carers and relatives Feedback from staff Overall Lasting Impressions
Reporting Recommendations Recommendations need to be: Clearly stated Primarily related to purpose Self-evident from findings Proportionate Achievable Small in number – for maximum impact and focus Below are a couple of examples of possible recommendations: 1.The findings indicate that not all hot meals are reaching the resident at the correct temperature. We recommend a review of your procedures to ensure that all residents get their meal at the right temperature and inform us of the actions taken. 2.The report has highlighted excellent practice regarding the quality of your meal service and we recommend that with your approval we share this good practice.
Service Improvements Enter and View is a valuable tool for collecting evidence, especially capturing the voice of service users, carers and families Visit reports should be shared to maximise their effectiveness In isolation ‘Enter and View’ activity may only accomplish small scale changes Large scale changes will require the combined influence of a range of health and social care organisations and statutory bodies, as well as local Healthwatch, including: Regulators – such as the Care Quality Commission (CQC) Commissioners – such as Local Authority commissioners, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and NHS England Planners – such as the Health & Wellbeing Board and local scrutiny
Service Improvements The sum of all evidence across multiple local Healthwatch activities and multiple organisations should: Persuade providers to implement change Contribute to short, medium and long term planning and commissioning Influence national policy through escalation to Healthwatch England and/or through analysis of trends by Healthwatch England
Strategic partners with whom local Healthwatch should work to achieve service improvements
Quote from Highfield Court: “Both Representatives were very professional and knowledgeable about what was expected from the service. They talked openly with the managers and appeared very friendly towards the service users. They were very interested in what the service users and staff had to say. Staff at Highfield Hall will endeavour to always act in the service users best interests. Recommendations are noted and we will continue to maintain and improve services where required. All aspects of the visit worked well and all areas covered in a very open and honest review.” Service Provider Feedback
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