Public Health System Training in Disaster Recovery (PH – STriDR) This work was supported by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Cooperative Agreement 1U01TP
Training is voluntary. Decision to participate has no impact on employment status. Your participation will not be communicated to the researchers. Participation poses minimal risks to you. – Please notify the instructor if you feel upset and do not wish to continue. Explanation of Research 2
Session 2: Your Roles and Responsibilities in Disaster Recovery 3
Session Duration: 90 minutes Exit and Restroom Locations “Parking Lot” Please Silence Your Cell Phone Administrative Issues 4
Describe potential individual job duties in the disaster recovery phase. Compare and contrast your day-to-day job activities and your potential disaster recovery activities. Discuss ways in which your work and your colleagues’ work contribute to the overall recovery effort of the local public health agency. Learning Objectives 5
General Overview of Disasters What is Recovery? System View of Recovery Assessing Risk Disaster Recovery Activity Worksheet Local Public Health Agency Duties in Disaster Recovery Review of Session 1 6
To orient the learner to the community- specific context, discuss key points from existing recovery plans or the recovery components of general disaster plans relevant to your jurisdiction and/or agency. Full Group Discussion (Optional) 7
Let’s select just one hazard from the Disaster Recovery Activity Worksheet to be the focus for today’s discussion of individual roles and responsibilities. We will use the selected hazard as the focus for our small-group activity. Focus for Today 8
Work with a partner to fill in the Session 2 Handout “How You Contribute to Disaster Recovery” for the selected disaster. Each person should fill out his/her own worksheet. Discuss your answers with your partner. Small-Group Activity 9
As a group, discuss the Session 2: How You Contribute to Disaster Recovery worksheet. Learners may share what they discovered about the relationship of their day-to-day job duties to their potential disaster recovery role, and what type of information, support, or relationships may be helpful to them in disaster recovery. Full Group Discussion 10
Each employee can contribute to disaster recovery phase efforts. Your disaster recovery job duties may differ from your day-to-day job duties. Maintaining regular health department programs is an important contribution to community recovery. Your work and your colleagues’ work contribute to the overall recovery effort of the local public health agency. We have discussed ways to enhance your ability to perform recovery-related roles. Summary of Main Points 11
Questions? 12