Question: Please tell me if you are very dissatisfied, dissatisfied, neutral, satisfied, or very satisfied with the Number of Unsightly or Blighted Properties in the City Very satisfied 4.1% Satisfied 38.2% Neutral26.0% Dissatisfied 23.9% Very dissatisfied 4.3% Satisfied42.3% Dissatisfied28.2%
Question: Please tell me if you are very dissatisfied, dissatisfied, neutral, satisfied, or very satisfied with the Number of Unsightly or Blighted Properties (your neighborhood) Very satisfied27.5% Satisfied 45.6% Neutral12.5% Dissatisfied 10.0% Very dissatisfied 2.1% Satisfied73.1% Dissatisfied12.1%
Question: Please tell me if you are very dissatisfied, dissatisfied, neutral, satisfied, or very satisfied with Job creation and economic development Very satisfied 2.5% Satisfied 35.4% Neutral25.4% Dissatisfied 29.2% Very dissatisfied 4.4% Satisfied37.9% Dissatisfied33.6%
Question: Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statement, “ I have great confidence in Lincoln city government.” Strongly Agree 4.0% Agree39.9% Neutral28.8% Disagree 21.6% Strongly Disagree 4.8% Agree43.9% Disagree26.4%
Question: Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statement, “ The city treats all neighborhoods and areas of town fairly and equally.” Strongly Agree 1.6% Agree30.6% Neutral20.9% Disagree 33.8% Strongly Disagree 10.5% Agree 32.2% Disagree 44.3%