Technology Leadership Survey Given to Administrators and Technology Leaders at the MACUL Conference 2006 Grand Rapids, Michigan
Technology is part of the school mission and or vision statement. 1.Yes 2.No
Integrating Technology into the curriculum is currently an important goal in my school. 1.True 2.False
Integrating Technology into the curriculum is currently an important goal in my school. 1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Neutral 4.Disagree 5.Strongly Disagree
I believe that the integration of technology into the curriculum is important 1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Neutral 4.Disagree 5.Strongly Disagree
My school and/or district has an adequate amount of technology hardware and software. 1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Neutral 4.Disagree 5.Strongly Disagree
I model the usage of technology during staff meetings, professional development, and other team meetings. 1.Absolutely! Routine 2.Most of the time 3.Some times 4.Never.
I facilitate and support collaborative technology enriched learning environments conducive for innovation for improved learning 1.Absolutely! Routine 2.Most of the time 3.Some times 4.Never.
I use a PDA or handheld with Outlook to improve my own efficiency 1.Yes 2.No
If You answered no to the previous slide answer this question. I am interested in purchasing a PDA or handheld. 1.Yes 2.No
My school/district uses a media retrieval system/closed circuit television network with students. 1.Everyday! It is embedded as routine. 2.Most of the time weekly 3.Some times Monthly 4.Never.
My school/district has an active website and uses it for staff development. 1.Everyday! It is embedded as routine. 2.Most of the time weekly 3.Some times Monthly 4.Never.
My school/district has an active website and uses it for student learning. 1.Everyday! It is embedded as routine. 2.Most of the time weekly 3.Some times Monthly 4.Never.
I plan to increase the implementation and integration of technology in my school. 1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Neutral 4.Disagree 5.Strongly Disagree