The Essentials of Academic Advising Academic Advising Office September 30, 2015
Workshop Content 2 What First Year Students think about Academic Advising – Survey findings Types of Academic Advisers at the University Temporary Academic Advisers Key Information about the Academic Advising System Additional Resources for Advisers
What First Year Students think? Academic advising should be provided as it is important for my study at the University I want my academic adviser to guide me in finding information about my study and university life, and I will make my own decision I will take the initiative to meet my academic adviser and discuss with her/him about my study I want my academic adviser to contact me, tell me what to do and I will just follow her/his instructions I prefer meeting my academic adviser in a small group with fellow classmates, rather than individually *5=Strongly agree 4= Agree, 3=Neutral, 2= Disagree, 1= Strongly Disagree Base: n=155 Source: AAO online questionnaire August/Sept 2015
First Year Students’ Concerns Course selection4.43 Academic goal and study plan4.04 Adjustment to the University learning styles 4.04 Curriculum structure of my programmes3.92 Selection of major / minor programmes3.89 *5=Strongly agree 4= Agree, 3=Neutral, 2= Disagree, 1= Strongly Disagree Base: n=155 Source: AAO online questionnaire August/Sept 2015
University Academic Advising System CEDARS Halls Faculties Referrals among units as necessary Faculty Academic Advisers Temporary Academic Advisers Faculty Student Advisers Wardens Residential Tutors Residential Student Advisers Counsellors & Clinical Psychologists Student Advising Officers AAO Academic Advisers Academic Advising Office
Academic HKU 6 Advisers are all around and the entire campus community supports the academic advising Video - Who’s Who ?
Academic HKU 7 How do students request Temporary Academic Adviser
Key Information of Advising 8
I want to help a student ________________________. Additional Resource: I want to help…
Thank you for being an Academic Adviser!