Force Results – August 2012 Sussex Police Employee Survey 2012
2 Sussex Police | Serving Sussex Introduction The 2012 Employee Opinion Survey ran from 28 May – 15 June All employees were invited to participate. A total of 3247 staff responded. A response rate of 59% was achieved across Sussex Police. Results are presented below.
3 Sussex Police | Serving Sussex Your Job To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: % Agree% Neutral% Disagree% Don't know I feel motivated to come to work I willingly do more than is normally required of me at work to help Sussex Police be successful I feel that Sussex Police gets the best out of me I am proud to work here I feel valued for the work I do I feel that I accomplish something worthwhile at work I see myself working here in 2 years time
4 Sussex Police | Serving Sussex Your Job How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with each of these factors: % Satisfied% Neutral% Dissatisfied% Don't know My current job within Sussex Police The level of responsibility I have Making the best use of my skills and abilities Opportunities to use my initiative Having interesting work Having the right tools and resources to enable me to do my job properly
5 Sussex Police | Serving Sussex Your Welfare & Development To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: % Agree% Neutral% Disagree% Don't know The training I receive helps me do my job more effectively I receive the training I need to operate effectively in my role I feel I have clear development opportunities within Sussex Police I seek out training and development opportunities
6 Sussex Police | Serving Sussex Your Welfare & Development To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: % Agree% Neutral% Disagree% Don't know Sussex Police enable me to achieve a balance between my work and home life There are suitable opportunities for flexible working within Sussex Police I am treated with fairness and respect here Sussex Police is an organisation that cares about its staff The health and safety of employees is given a high priority
7 Sussex Police | Serving Sussex Management & Leadership To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: % Agree% Neutral% Disagree% Don't know My line manager gives me regular feedback on how I am performing My line manager discusses and supports my training and development needs My line manager listens to my ideas and suggestions My line manager has set clear objectives for me My line manager always puts our customers first My line manager’s behaviour demonstrates all the Sussex Police values My line manager challenges behaviour that does not demonstrate the Sussex Police values My line manager manages poor performance effectively My line manager keeps me informed about what is going on within Sussex Police
8 Sussex Police | Serving Sussex Management & Leadership To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: % Agree% Neutral% Disagree% Don't know The Chief Officers have a clear vision for Sussex Police in 2015 I feel that I understand how Sussex Police will look in 2015 I have confidence in the Chief Officers leading Sussex Police My Senior Management Team have set a clear strategy for my Division/Department I feel that I understand the strategy set by my Senior Management Team My Senior Management Team are as visible as they should be I have confidence in my Senior Management Team My Senior Management Team role model the behaviours required by Sussex Police's values
9 Sussex Police | Serving Sussex Sussex Police as an Employer To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: % Agree% Neutral% Disagree% Don't know I support Sussex Police’s overall aims and objectives I understand how my role contributes to the success of Sussex Police I feel trusted to use my discretion I feel confident to challenge inappropriate behaviour in the workplace I feel that I understand the strategy set by my Senior Management Team I like the way we do things around here Promotion within Sussex Police is based on merit Sussex Police is good at retaining its best people
10 Sussex Police | Serving Sussex Sussex Police as an Employer I would speak highly of Sussex Police without being asked I would speak highly of Sussex Police if I were asked I would be neutral towards Sussex Police I would be critical of Sussex Police if asked I would be critical of Sussex Police without being asked Which of these phrases best describes the way you would speak about Sussex Police as an employer?
11 Sussex Police | Serving Sussex Public Service To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: % Agree% Neutral% Disagree% Don't know Sussex Police understands what is important to the public Customer service is important to Sussex Police Sussex Police support me to provide a high quality service to the public The quality of service we provide to the public is excellent If I had to report a crime to Sussex Police, I am confident I would receive good service
12 Sussex Police | Serving Sussex Public Service How do you consider the general public perceive Sussex Police? % Favourably% Neutral% Unfavourably% Don't know How do you consider the general public perceive Sussex Police Are you satisfied or dissatisfied that you are able to really make a difference to the general public Are you satisfied or dissatisfied that you are able to really make a difference to the general public? % Satisfied% Neither% Dissatisfied% Don't know
13 Sussex Police | Serving Sussex Communication I feel fully informed I feel fairly well informed I receive only a limited amount of information I do not feel informed about what is going on Don’t Know How well informed do feel about what is happening within Sussex Police?
14 Sussex Police | Serving Sussex Communication To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: % Agree% Neutral% Disagree% Don't know The communication I receive is relevant to my needs Information is generally presented in a clear and concise way Communications are open and honest within Sussex Police I have the information I need to do my job effectively There are opportunities that exist to feed my views/issues/ideas upwards
15 Sussex Police | Serving Sussex Change To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: % Agree% Neutral% Disagree% Don't know I support the need for change within Sussex Police I feel that changes within Sussex Police are well managed I feel that the reasons for change are well communicated I believe that the changes underway are reducing bureaucracy I am confident that Sussex Police is becoming more efficient and effective Employees at Sussex Police are well prepared for upcoming changes to the way we work I am optimistic about the future of Sussex Police I am optimistic about my own future within Sussex Police