Deaton US History
What Rights do you have as a citizen? Citizen Rights
Born as a Slave in Virginia Bought by John Emerson and Army surgeon of Missouri - _______________ state. Scott was taken to military bases in free states like Illinois. In fact he was allowed to marry (Harriet) When they came back to Missouri John died and Scott was turned over to Eliza Emerson. Background
Scott attempted to purchase his freedom from Eliza. She refused. He sued and won in 1846, but Eliza appealed to a higher court and she won in She moves to Massachusetts and transfers the representation in the case to her brother John Sanford. In 1857 the case reaches the Supreme Court. The Case
It was led by Robert Taney who replaced John Marshal. A southerner who emancipated his own slaves and gave them pensions when they were too old to work. Led the judges to a very large decision that includes overturning law. The Supreme Court
Free slaves were not considered citizens of the U.S. and slaves were the property of their owners. Therefore: Even free AA could not sue in Federal Court because they were not citizens. Slaves brought into a state were the property of their owners, so had no rights as citizens. The Missouri Compromise was determined to be unconstitutional since slaves were property. This caused fear to the anti-slavery north b/c they thought this would lead to open slavery in the Western Territories. The Decision
What ?’s do you have? What are your thoughts about the case? One paragraph DOK 3 Questions and Thoughts