Martha Munoz Janet Soto Latoya Gallardo
Abstract In this study, the correlation between social confidence and academic confidence in Latinos and Asian Americans was examined in college students.
HYPOTHESIS Latinos will score higher in social confidence and Asian Americans will score higher in academic confidence.
PARTICIPANTS Latinos = 26 Male = 4 Female = 22 Asian Americans = 23 Male = 13 Female = 10 CSUN Students Total Participants 49
MATERIALS 5-point Likert scale Survey 10 questions on Social Confidence 10 questions on Academic Confidence Strongly Agree AgreeNeutralDisagreeDefinitely Disagree 12345
PROCEDURE Surveys were placed faced-down on the tables. The instructions were read to participants on how to complete survey. Confidentiality was assured to participants. Once the participants completed the survey, they were debriefed.
RESULTS A within-participant one way ANOVA was performed. The results revealed an interaction effect for academic confidence level, F(1,48) = 60.12, p>.05. Academic confidence rating differ depending on ethnicity (Asian Americans and Latino).
DISCUSSION The hypothesis was partially supported. Hypotheses Latinos = High in Social Confidence Asian Americans = High in Academic Confidence Yet, the analysis revealed: Latinos = Low in Social Confidence Asian Americans = High in Social and Academic Confidence
Cont. Factor analysis Third factor ○ Goal-oriented
IMPLICATIONS Participant Bias Evaluation apprehension ○ Participants want to be evaluated positively.
LIMITATIONS Not a true experiment because no random assignment Small Sample Size Not an Even Distribution among Gender