The Christians At Thessalonica
The Epistle… An expression of thanks for them 1:2-10 He prayed for them v. 2 He reminds them of the persecutions they had already faced v. 6 cp. Acts 17:5-9 They were well spoken of v. 8 They had left idolatry to serve God v. 9
The Christians At Thessalonica The Epistle… A review of how he came to them 2:1-20 He was mistreated in Philippi v. 2 Acts 16 He was not intimidated, but boldly taught truth vv. 3-4 He supported himself while there vv Thess 3:7-12
The Christians At Thessalonica The Epistle… A review of how he came to them 2:1-20 They were like Judean saints…suffering at the hands of the Jews vv a He again states how much he wanted to see them, but “Satan thwarts us” vv. 14b-20 Acts 17:9
The Christians At Thessalonica The Epistle… A review of how he learned of their present condition 3:1-13 He sent Timothy to find out how they were faring in their persecutions vv. 1-5 Timothy’s return & favorable report brought him comfort vv. 6-10
The Christians At Thessalonica The Epistle… General Exhortations 4:1 – 5:22 Refrain from immorality 4:1-5 Do not legally defraud brethren 4:6 Live “peaceful” lives 4:9-12 Love the brethren Work quietly…eat your own bread
The Christians At Thessalonica The Epistle… General Exhortations 4:1 – 5:22 Don’t worry re: deceased brethren 4:13-18 Walk as “sons of light” 5:1-11 Appreciate & support those who labor among them 5:12-13 Elders, preachers
The Christians At Thessalonica The Epistle… General Exhortations 4:1 – 5:22 Help the brethren 5:14 (Weak…unruly) Keep praying 5:17 Don’t despise spiritual gifts 5:20 Examine everything, hold fast to good 5:21 Abstain from all evil 5:22
The Christians At Thessalonica The Epistle… Final Requests 5:23-28 May God “sanctify & preserve” them v. 23 “Pray for us” and our work v. 25 “Greet all the brethren” v. 26 “Make sure this letter is read to all the brethren” v. 27
The Christians At Thessalonica
Events Leading Up To The Epistle… MMost likely, Timothy carried Paul’s 1st letter BBack in Corinth, Timothy reports… ……a favorable reception of the 1st letter ……a “fraudulent” letter from Paul re: the second coming of Christ 2:1-2 ……some problems 3:6-15
The Epistle… Paul commends their faithfulness 1:3-12 He is thankful for their continued growth and love for each other He is thankful for their faithfulness amidst continued persecutions v. 5 He reminds them their “troublers” will eventually be “troubled” by God vv The Christians At Thessalonica