Michigan Fishes 23 October 2012. Michigan Fishes Michigan dominates Great Lakes watershed Shoreline = 3,288 miles (2 nd to Alaska) Over 35,000 inland.


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Presentation transcript:

Michigan Fishes 23 October 2012

Michigan Fishes Michigan dominates Great Lakes watershed Shoreline = 3,288 miles (2 nd to Alaska) Over 35,000 inland lakes and 36,350 miles of rivers Of 172 Great Lakes species, 153 found in Michigan

Species List Ictaluridae: Ictalurus punctatus – channel catfish Salmonidae: Salvelinus fontinalis – brook trout Oncorhynchus mykiss – rainbow trout Salmo trutta – brown trout Sciaenidae: Aplodinotus grunniens – freshwater drum Gasterosteidae: Culaea inconstans – brook stickleback Amiidae: Amia calva – bowfin Clupeidae: Dorosoma cepedianum – gizzard shad Percopsidae: Percopsis omiscomaycus – trout-perch Aphredoderidae: Aphredoderus sayanus – pirate perch Lotidae: Lota lota – burbot Moronidae: Morone chrysops – white bass Atherinopsidae: Labidesthes sicculus – brook silverside

Ictaluridae Catfishes: family characteristics Four pairs of barbels No scales Adipose fin present Stout spines in dorsal and pectoral fins Ictalurus punctatus – channel catfish Deeply forked tail Tail usually with dark margin Usually dark spots on sides 35 lb CO state record

Salmonidae Trouts: family characteristics Body terete to moderately compressed Single soft-rayed dorsal fin, adipose fin present Cycloid scales on body, head naked 18 total Michigan species Salvelinus fontinalis: brook trout Head, back, and dorsal fin vermiculated Side with light spots (often blue and red in life) Leading edge of lower fins white with black inner edge Caudal fin truncate or shallowly forked

Salmonidae Trouts: family characteristics Body terete to moderately compressed Single soft-rayed dorsal fin, adipose fin present Cycloid scales on body, head naked 18 total Michigan species Oncorhynchus mykiss: rainbow trout Oncorhynchus = hooked nose Back, top of head, dorsal and caudal fins with many small black spots Usually pink stripe along side Adipose usually spotted with black margin

Salmonidae Trouts: family characteristics Body terete to moderately compressed Single soft-rayed dorsal fin, adipose fin present Cycloid scales on body, head naked 18 total Michigan species Salmo trutta: brown trout Lightish brown background color Side with many orange and red spots Adipose orange without black margin

Sciaenidae Drums: family characteristics Body compressed and deep Highly arched lateral line that extends to end of rounded caudal Two dorsal fins, pelvic fins with one spine, anal fin with two Ctenoid scales Snout blunt with almost horizontal mouth Aplodinotus grunniens: freshwater drum Only species in Michigan Strongly nocturnal Large grooved otoliths used to estimate age and migrations

Gasterosteidae Sticklebacks: family characteristics Series of free dorsal spines Body elongate and compressed Caudal peduncle slender, naked or with bony plates Anal fin with single strong spine Culaea inconstans: brook stickleback Dorsal spines 5 or 6 Caudal peduncle deeper than wide, without keel

Amiidae Bowfins: family characteristics Bony (gular) plate between lower jaw bones Single long dorsal fin Cycloid scales Caudal fin abbreviate heterocercal Amia calva: bowfin A.k.a. dogfish, grinnel Black spot at caudal fin base Mottled coloration Similar to burbot, mudminnow Only species in this family Gulp air when oxygen is low

Clupeidae Herrings and shads: family characteristics Body compressed Single dorsal fin, no adipose fin Thin cycloid scales, head naked (scaleless) Spiny scutes on midline of belly No lateral line Dorosoma cepedianum: gizzard shad Posterior ray of dorsal fin elongated Dorsal fin starts behind pelvic fin insertion Snout rounded, mouth subterminal Dark spot behind operculum

Percopsidae Trout-perches: family characteristics Body slender with mod. sized ctenoid scales Jaws with villiform teeth Head naked, nostrils narrowly separated Adipose fin present, caudal deeply forked Percopsis omiscomaycus: trout-perch Small silvery fish Dark spots down lateral line Dorsal and anal fin each with spine One of only two species in genus

Aphredoderidae Pirate perches: family characteristics Body oblong, heavy forward Villiform teeth Caudal fin truncate Genital aperture and anus migrates forward to throat in adult Aphredoderus sayanus: pirate perch Only species in Michigan Body dark slate color Distinct dark caudal bar Often dark teardrop 3 dorsal and 2 anal fin spines

Lotidae Hakes and burbots: family characteristics One to three dorsal fins Chin barbel Caudal fin rounded Lota lota: burbot Dorsal, caudal, anal fins separate Pelvic fins jugular Mottled coloration all over body Similar to American eel Only species in genus

Moronidae Temperate basses: family characteristics Two separate or narrowly joined dorsal fins Shallowly forked caudal 3 spines in anal fin Opercular spine (separates from Centrarchidae) Morone chrysops: white bass Anal spines graduated in length (1 st shortest, 3 rd longest) Distinct stripes on body

Atherinopsidae Silversides: family characteristics Body elongate, terete Superior mouth Many small scales Silver lateral stripe 2 dorsal fins Labidesthes sicculus: brook silverside Mouth formed into short beak 1 st dorsal fin very small Long anal fin