The Aging Tsunami is coming…
GrandCare Systems’ explores a new frontier in technology using the Internet, the loved one’s television/touchscreen to communicate & wireless sensors to monitor wellness
DID YOU KNOW?? 2/3 of all people that have ever lived to age 65 are ALIVE TODAY
Monitoring Wellness Door Sensor Motion Sensors Bed Sensor Weight Scale Blood Pressure Cuff
GrandCare is… Wireless Sensors around the home monitoring wellness Pictures, Messages & other Communications sent directly to a private channel on the Television Set Knowledge, Awareness & Peace of Mind For the Good Times!!!
The “Communication Station”
Be aware without always being there A New Dimension in Care GrandCare can alert you if a certain condition is met If there is no motion at the bedside in the morning If Dad gets up during the night to use the bathroom If Mom’s Medications were not accessed at the correct time Call the Neighbor Send an to Jane’s office & send a reminder message to Mom’s TV Automatically turn on the hallway light to assist him to the bathroom Smart Residents choose to live in “Smart” Homes
A high tech, in-home remote monitoring solution with a unique “Communication Station” just for the resident. GrandCare Systems
GrandCare works for you! Preset rules will alert you by phone or View activity graphs and change rules anytime on-line
Assessing Wellness
The GrandCare On-line Main Menu Caregivers help keep seniors independent at home
In-Home Care Baby Boomers want care brought to them CAST “Boomer Needs” focus groups –90% willing to pay $50+ per month for services and technologies to help them stay independent and in their own home Ecumen “Age Wave” Study of Baby Boomers in MN –89% want to live at home –Nine out of 10 anticipate technology will help them live longer and more independently
Log-in with your user name & password How do I access GrandCare
GrandCare is… Wireless Sensors around the home monitoring wellness Pictures, Messages & other Communications sent directly to a private channel on the Television Set Knowledge, Awareness & Peace of Mind For the Good Times!!!
GrandCare is… Wireless Sensors around the home monitoring wellness Pictures, Messages & other Communications sent directly to a private channel on the Television Set Knowledge, Awareness & Peace of Mind For the Good Times!!!
GrandCare = Self-Care The current healthcare system cannot handle the cost of healthcare, coverage issues and demographic pressures WHAT CAN WE DO???? We must use enabling technology to shift from our current situation to in-home care and self-care. (Forrester Report, Dec 2002)
The GrandCare Advantage GrandCare explores a New Frontier in Technology using the Internet, the Resident’s Television to Communicate, and Wireless Sensors to Monitor Wellness. Enhanced Communication –Pictures & Messages on the Resident’s TV –Opportunity to Involve Family & Friends Easy Assessment –Wireless Sensors in each Residence –Information displayed on a Secure Website
GrandCare is… Wireless Sensors around the home monitoring wellness Pictures, Messages & other Communications sent directly to a private channel on the Television Set Knowledge, Awareness & Peace of Mind For the Good Times!!!