Chronology means ‘To put things in the right order of time’
In History we look over long periods of time TWO ‘Historians divide time into TWO periods’
2011 AD 2011 years ago AD Anno Dominithe Year of our Lord Anything after my birth is known as AD ‘AD – this means Anno Domini (the Year of our Lord’) A.D BC Before Christ Anything BEFORE my birth is known as BC ‘BC –means Before Christ B.C
A.D B.C 1 BC 2011 AD 2011 BC 1000 AD 1 AD 1945 AD 5BC
A.D B.C 1066 AD 1945 AD 1815 AD 23 BC 2010 AD 3100 BC 1999AD 452AD
Historians often look at events over long periods of time— Often over CENTURIES (A century = __100____ years) ‘
12th year If you are 11 years old it means that you have lived for 11 complete years and are now in your 12th year. A newborn baby is 0 years old but is living in its first year. ‘
To work out centuries you do the same… Take the first 2 digits of a date eg: 1945 (1 st 2 digits are 19) ADD 1 : (So is 20) th CenturySo 1945 is in the 20 th Century 3 digits In a date with only 3 digits eg: 945 AD Use the first digit (eg 9) ADD 1 : (So is 10) 945 AD 10 th CenturySo 945 AD is in the 10 th Century
1321 is in the 14thcentury = 14 So 1321 is in the 14 th Century
800 is in the 9thcentury = 9 So 800AD is in the 9 th Century